, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Colombo Stock Market Financial Research, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Since the early days of banking, it was identified that a uniform regulatory framework needs to be introduced to safeguard the global financial sector. With the exponential increase of international trade during the 2nd half of the 20th century, the need for international regulations for banking was more evident.
The Basel Accord has its origins in the financial turmoil of 1973. After the collapse of Bretton Woods’s system of managed exchange rates, banks worldwide faced considerable foreign exchange losses which led to banking supervisors globally to formulate a regulatory framework for the banking sector.
As a result the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision formulated a minimum set of requirements for the operation of banks in 1988 and the G10 countries adopted this framework in 1992. This accord was heavily criticized in subsequent years for measuring risk only in terms of credit. This resulted in the introduction of Basel II which had a more wide angled approach to risks faced by the banking sector. However with the financial crisis that occurred in Western Countries in 2007; the need of putting forward a new accord to replace Basel II was identified. The Basel III was first introduced in 2010/11 and was modified in 2013. This accord gives emphasis to areas like Capital Adequacy, Stress Testing and Liquidity Coverage.
As the March 2019 deadline for Basel III compliance looms ever closer, banks across the globe including Sri Lanka race against the clock to meet the requirements outlined by Basel III. In this research the main barriers and challenges faced by Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka and their relationship for the successful implementation of Basel III will be identified. Further methods to overcome these barriers and challenges will be briefly discussed.
Primary and Secondary data was collected and analyzed using statistical and other methods to prove/disapprove the objectives of the research. SPSS software was used for the statistical analysis of data. The outcome of the data was used to test the 6 Hypotheses developed in Chapter 3 of this research and the steps that can be taken to overcome these were briefly identified.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Effective Information Communication Technology Education in Rural Schools of Sri Lanka

ICT has been used as a model for education in many parts of the world. At the end of the conflict in 2009, the Government of Sri Lanka embarked on an e-Sri Lanka initiative aimed at introducing ICT across several sectors. The education sector received substantial investment in ICT however only a section of this sector was targeted. This study explores the barriers of introducing and implementing ICT education in the rural areas of Sri Lanka and how these barriers could be overcome.
The study was pursued by reviewing published literatures of authors to identify barriers of introducing and implementing ICT and also looked into suitable options for ICT implementation and further focused on the sustainability of these models.
Given the unique characteristics of the secondary education sector in Sri Lanka and in particular those in the rural areas, the study required a focused data gathering process to understand the factors that affect ICT in the rural schools. A set of questions were developed using the literature review and three schools were assessed.This data was used to develop into three unique case studies in order to understand the unique characteristics that affect ICT in these rural schools and if they fall in line with the variables identified in the literature review.
The analysis of the case studies together with the variables identified from the literature review provided the basis for developing the conceptual framework for the study. The target population for this study were Teachers and Principals in the rural schools of Trincomalee representing the rural population in Sri Lanka. A combined sample of 70 teachers and principals were considered for this survey across 20 schools in the district. A questionnaire was developed in line with the identified variables to understand the prevailing context in the rural schools. The data gathered was processed using SPSS Software. The results indicate that internet access, resources, personnel and security are essential for introducing and implementing ICT education in the rural areas.
The artefact was designed in line with the results and tested at random and results are presented.

Background to the Research

Sri Lanka’s education sector is catered to by a mixture of nation-wide network of state supported, private and international schools. Primary enrolment of boys and girls is well above 90 per cent and secondary enrolment rate stands at over 80 per cent making the country one of the more successful nations in providing educational opportunities to all segments of its population (World Bank, 2011). However these statistics largely belie the severe vulnerability students’ face in some of the more rural areas of the country.
For nearly three decades the country was plagued by a bitter civil war that claimed the lives of thousands and destroyed the livelihoods of many. In 2004, several coastal areas of the country were shattered by the Indian Ocean Tsunami that further worsened the economic conditions of the people.
In May 2009, the Sri Lankan Government declared the end to the conflict with nearly 300,000 civilians being housed in temporary camps waiting to be resettled back in their homes. The end of the war saw aid pouring into the island, creating a platform for post war development.
Since then the Government has embarked on mega infrastructure development projects; constructing roads, harbours and airports with a view to increasing economic development. In line with his election manifesto; the Mahinda Chinthanaya, (Department of National Planning Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2006) the President declared the year 2009 as the Year of English and IT as part of encouraging the creation of a knowledge society in Sri Lanka (Ministry of Education, 2009).
The Government introduced the e-Sri Lanka Initiative together with the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka to develop the economy of Sri Lanka, reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of the people (ICTA, 2009). Several projects were implemented under this initiative under various sectors.
The ‘Nenasala’ (Knowledge Centre) Project implemented by the Government together with the ICTA aims to provide Rural Knowledge Centres, e-Libraries, Distance and e-Learning Centres and Tsunami Camp Computer Kiosks. The initial phase of the project was implemented in 13 districts across the island. However this particular project had a selection criterion; where the selected division of the village needed to have a population of between 2000-5000 people, presence of a market with at least 15 wholesale vendors, presence of electricity and a type 2 school with at least 300 students (Nenasala, n.d.).
This meant that nearly 50 per cent of the schools (4,910) were not eligible to participate in the programme as they had less than 300 students (Ministry of Education, 2006).
The Ministry of Education together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) implemented the Secondary Education Modernization Project (SEMP) aimed at connecting most of the secondary education schools and other related organizations on a wide-area network (WAN). The initial phase of the project was to connect 1000 schools, set up 100 computer resource centres and 8 provincial ICT centres. The services offered included IP-VPN technology, bandwidth connections, web hosting and filtering etc.
However in order for a school to join the project they needed to have the most basic infrastructure such as computers. This meant that most rural schools which did not possess this infrastructure were not part of the project.
Therefore a large number of rural schools lack not only the basic infrastructure for ICT education but basic educational requirements itself, such as teachers. Through the use of ICT these gaps can be fulfilled to a large extent depending on the type and nature of the problem at hand.
ICT has been used as a model for education in many parts of the world. Despite the developed countries exploiting its use exponentially, third world countries have been unable to keep up with the pace. (Valentine & Holloway, 2001) state that the potential of ICT to alleviate rural marginality is also recognized in education funding initiatives. The literature also suggests that ICT has been used in a variety of areas and to suit different purposes and needs of the culture (Vorakulpipat et al., 2010).
However the barriers vary from region to region and sometimes from country to country. Despite this the application and use of ICTs, have tremendous potential for improvements in every sector including education(Mansotraet al., 2009). On a broader perspective, researchers have found a few underlying reasons for the lack of ICT in the rural areas




In this evolving world the major technological innovations and improvement helped almost all kind of industries to gain competitive advantage in the specialized industrial field. The banking industry introduced Internet Banking which helped to do bank related transactions from anywhere with the use of a computer connected to the internet. The telecommunication industry introduced mobile internet (3G) which helped the consumer to use the internet with no use of a computer. With the introduction of internet banking customers didn’t have to stay and wait in queues for their turn to do their bank related transactions; it was just a click away. However, any new technology has constrains and limitations. In the case of internet banking, the biggest limitation is the requirement of a computer with an internet connection. This may not look a big obstacle if viewed from US and the European countries prospective, but is a definite obstacle for developing countries such as Sri Lanka and most of the other Asian countries.  Mobile banking addresses this fundamental limitation of Internet Banking, as it reduces the customer requirement to just a mobile phone. The term mobile baking comes from m-commerce which characterizes a business transaction carried out through a mobile phone connected to any mobile network which consist internet.
Mobile banking transactions could be done through Short Message Service (SMS), Wireless Access Protocol (WAP), mobile internet or through General Pocket and Radio Service (GPRS). 
Mobile banking has now become a global phenomenon. Almost every banking institution all over the world has embraced this technological system of banking due to the numerous benefits it brings both to the banks themselves and their clients or customers notable among them are convenience and time-saving in doing transactions. Mobile banking is now being considered as a strategic weapon and will revolutionize the way banks operate, deliver and compete against one another, especially when competitive advantages of traditional branch networks are eroding rapidly.
However, the issue of adoption behavior or pattern by final consumers seems to be an essential issue in the successful implementation of Mobile banking which has benefited people from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from country to country. In some countries, Mobile banking has proven to be very reliable, effective and efficient whilst in some others, they are found to be extremely dormant due to adoption behavior. Thus, there is the need to study critically the adoption behavior of existing customers. Adoption behavior patterns depend on many variables such as educational level, attitude towards innovation, trust, feelings of security, among others.
It is mobile telephones that have transformed the Sri Lankan telecommunications sector beyond recognition. Mobile services have experienced exponential growth, from 71,000 subscribers in 1996 to 4,284,256 subscribers in June 2006 (TRCSL 2006). These growth rates did not dip even when the overall economy went through periods of lean or zero growth. The number of mobile phones surpassed the number of land phones in 2002 and by end 2005, three out of every four phone connections in Sri Lanka were mobile (CBSL 2006). Mobile banking is not that much of hype in Sri Lanka. According to the CBSL Annual report (2010) there are 22 licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka and out of the total 22 licensed commercial banks 7 domestic (PVT) licensed commercial banks providing mobile banking. Therefore this study is mainly focus on what are the challenges and barriers in building trust for popularizing mobile banking in the corporate sector in Sri Lanka and how to overcome these barriers?
Even though Mobile banking is now a common technological phenomenon or development associated with almost every bank in the world, Sri Lanka as a country is still being saddled with a number of challenges and barriers when it comes to this system of banking. The lack of trust and security has generally reduced use of mobile banking as customers distinguish it as not being safe to do their transactions through mobile.
In general context, Sri Lankans are considered to have a positive attitude towards the concept of tangibility of goods and services provided by the service provider through tangible channels. Therefore the usage of mobile banking is comparatively low as customers have not been much keen in using mobile banking. As several studies have indicated that mobile bankers are the most profitable and prosperous segments of banks. Therefore conducting a study would help identifying the challenges and barriers of building trust which would facilitate popularization of mobile banking and solutions for the barriers in popularization of mobile banking in corporate sector in Sri Lanka.
Mobile banking has gained significant popularity in the banking sector in western countries but not in Sri Lanka. This study is being conducted to analyze the barriers and challenges faced in building trust as a key element to popularize mobile banking to corporate sector in Sri Lanka. Building trust for mobile banking would prove great benefits to internal and external stake holders and also would also be one main channel to popularize this system.
·         Licensed commercial banks
This study would be most significant for licensed commercial banks operating in Sri Lanka especially the banks which cater to the corporate banking sector. The management would have a clear identity of the long term benefits towards the bank with the build of trust in popularizing mobile banking. This would clearly identify the challenges and barriers which prevails in the current context and would enable the bank management to identify the obstacles and how to overcome this to improve their services.
·         Mobile service providers
This study would be most significant to mobile service providers in Sri Lanka which provides mobile banking as a service within their networks. The mobile service providers could identify where to improve them self and what should be improved when facilitating new technology to the country.
·         Software developing companies
This study would also be significant to software developers who are engaged in developing software’s for banking institutions and mobile service providers. This study would clearly show the level of expectation from the service provider to the end consumer. This report would also illustrate the overall requirement from the system which would enable the developer to add or altered features in mobile banking.
·         Corporate customers
The findings of this study would be beneficiary to the corporate customers who are already engaged in mobile baking and to the customers who feel it’s not safe to do mobile banking. This study would build the level of trust and confidence towards mobile banking and would result in behavioral changes of corporate customer from internet banking to mobile banking.
·         Government
This study would enable the government to measure the level of technology improvement in the banking sector and telecommunication sector, therefore provide funds to conduct study and development of this new technology which would increase the income level of the county and would help further country’s development.
·         Future studyes
Information gathered from conducting this study would help and benefit future studyers which would enable them to identify gaps and reduce them with less consumption of resources and time.


This section presents an overview on preceding literature congregated on building trust in mobile banking. Various related study articles have been studied and is given in a summarized description which lay out in order to obtain the factors which represent the problems to conduct this study and the conceptualization could be drawn as a result.

Many studies have identified the significant impact which is created by the volatile information technology towards the banking industry around the world. Kannabiran and Naravan (2005) stated that the improvement in information technology is becoming a significant element in the future development of the banking industry.  According to Turban et al, (2006 cited in Gu, 2009) With the improvement of mobile technologies and devices, mobile banking has been considered as a salient system because of such attributes of mobile technologies as ubiquity, convenience and interactivity.”

Bradmore (1996), has noted the demanded for management information continuous to grow as organisation’s become more complex in scale and scope, as the environment becomes more uncertain as the rate of change of key business-not least technology itself accelerates (Earl, 1989:14) Competitive advantage involves providing better service through deeper knowledge of customer. The idea is that Banks have developed or learned information about their customers' needs and process can serve that customer better than their competitor can. The above studies conducted analyses on how technology has had a significant impact on the banking industry Research Proposal for Emotional Influence of Neuromarketing on Consumer Brand Loyalty for Luxury Fashion The luxury fashion industry has long been synonymous with exclusivity, aspiration, and status. However,...