, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Colombo Stock Market Financial Research, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, February 20, 2023

Factors affecting Employee Turnover on Business Transformation in ABC Company






“Factors affecting Employee Turnover on Business Transformation in ABC Company”


1.1        Background of the Study


Many Organizations who operated in past or present had faced certain situations related to Employee turnover, and this is one of the most prominent and focused research topic of many scholars, researchers and organizations. Employee turnover is defined as the proportion of current employees who leave the organization and replace these vacancies by new employees (Reh, 2018). In general all organizations have employees leaving their organizations and some of them are joining. However this becomes problem only when more employees leave the Organization than is typically expecting (Wilkinson, 2018) which includes both people who are leaving voluntarily and retiring. This research focuses on measuring and evaluating the link between transformational leadership styles and addressing employee motivation during and after the restructuring of ABC Company Sri Lanka since they have face high employee turnover once this commenced.

ABC Company is the largest professional body of Management Accountants of the world where its headquarters located in United Kingdom. Currently there are 500,000 members whereas this is the most sought after professional qualification with students over 176 countries globally.

ABC Company was founded in early 1900’s, where institution provides services beyond finances which assist the modern complex businesses environment. ABC Company undertakes following main functions such as Professional Development Services, Fund academic Research, Develop thought Leadership, Monitor Professional Standard, Maintain code of ethics for members, Work with external tuition providers, Assessment Service through their branches which established in many countries. ABC Company has set up its branches worldwide and they directly deals with the headquarters on various affairs related members, examination and finances. Until recently all the branches directly handled all these services independently and ABC Company global management has recently decided to cluster all branches where all back office services which involved in finance and Public relations would be taken out from individual branches. As a result of this Sri Lankan ABC Company branch also undergoing on change process where they have started to re structure the department and forward notification to its employees on downsizing and closing down of certain operations in Sri Lanka.


1.2        Problem Statement 


ABC Company is undergoing a phase of change in which back office functions are being concentrated in a single location. This has caused confusion among employees who are directly affected by the change as well as employees in other divisions, and as a result, employee turnover has increased significantly. During this time, there was also an increase in the number of mistakes made in business transactions, and many complaints were received from members, students, and tutors. Despite the fact that ABC Company is in a service-oriented industry, employee turnover is a major factor that contributes to the Organization and has a direct impact on its performance. As a result, this problem must be addressed and managed properly. According to ABC Company reducing turnover among skilled employees is critical in reducing and controlling the escalating expenses that occur when replacing departing employees and weakening the institution's performance. As a result, the Institute must identify, investigate, and mitigate or eliminate the causes of employee turnover. There are numerous published documents available that describe the effects of employee turnover, but it is important to understand that generalizing the results of one study to the issues at ABC Company would be difficult. However this report carries number of views and theories for other business entities to discover the realities and approaches to diminish employee turnover and how it would contribute to the success of the institution. Most of the causes of turnover include salaries, other benefits, career advancement, and so on, in this case there is a high probability of job security fear, which has led to employee dissatisfaction.


1.3        Problem Justification 


In order to conduct research, one must first have a problem. In this context, we have observed that the ABC Company is undergoing organizational structure transformation, which has a direct impact on the Institute's employees. However, prior to conducting the investigation, the problem must be justified. The overall discussion of this report would be based on determining whether the restructuring of the ABC Company institute had an effect on employee turnover and how leadership and job satisfaction would influence avoiding direct conflicts and improving ABC Company staff performance. As previously stated, there was a decrease in new enrollments and an increase in the number of complaints. As a result, these could be regarded as symptoms of a problem that had a direct impact on the performance of the ABC Company. Because ABC Company faces stiff competition from completive companies in Sri Lanka, immediate identification and correction of the problem is required.


1.4        Objectives of the study


Below objectives are determined depending on the main aim of the research as reflected in research problem and its aims.

·         To identify significant features of leadership style in ABC Company.

·         To recognize the severity and effects of employee turnover among Job satisfaction of the ABC Company.

·         To assess the link between leadership style and employee turnover among front desk staff in ABC Company.

·         To assess the link between Job Satisfaction and employee turnover among front desk staff in ABC Company.


1.5        Significance of the study


The findings will assist ABC Company's top management in understanding why turnover occurs and what can be done to reduce turnover and thus improve the organization's performance. The findings also assist top management in understanding how employees have reacted to the organization's restructure. With the restructure, human resources management team can determine what type of leadership would be beneficial to the company, as well as the level of employee job satisfaction and how employees perceive their job security. These findings can be used in future research to learn more about employee behavior in organizations.


1.6        Limitation of the Study


 The proposed study will be conducted for a population derived from the Sri Lankan branch only. The population in concern in this research is large and it is not practical to conduct a research on all the population. It is difficult to retrieve data from foreign countries to conduct the research as well.  However by selecting appropriate sample from Sri Lanka we could evaluate fairly based on the information submitted by them. Limiting to a sample needed due to time and budget constraints also. But selected sample size should provide fair representative of the sample selected to provide information to this research.














Employee Turnover


There are numerous categories and meanings of turnover, generally, it is identified that, turnover occurs as the employer-employee relationship stops. In organizational perspective, turnover is the cessation of the intra-organizational career path of an employee that is consisted with a string of changes of the job starting way in and ending way out (NSDC, 2010). According to Arokiasamy A.R.A. (2013), employee turnover is denoted as a condition, whereby employees willingly depart from the organization due to diverse reasons and by this means it affects the organization in a negative manner. Nel et al (2001) state a general definition for turnover mentioning that, employee turnover is the replacement of employees all over the labor market, among the business entities, occupations, and jobs and further between status of employment and unemployment.

As Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright (2006) mention, voluntary turnover denotes the exit of an employee from an organization due to his/her own preference; in which, employees bestow various numbers of reasons for leaving the jobs, including personal issues           that create difficult situations to work, repositioning to a new vicinity or the receipt of employment with another company etc. In contrast, as per Mathis and Jackson (2004), involuntary turnover denotes the decision of an employer to cease the employer-employee relationship. Involuntary turnover includes the termination of employees due to poor job performance, violation of job-related policies, absenteeism etc that can lead towards termination of employment and firing or discharge (Mayhew, n.d.). According to Bratton and Gold (2003), involuntary turnover may results for the need to restructure or downsize the organization, incise expenses, due to reasons that are independent of the particular employee/s.

After reviewing all the above mentioned literature, it is evident that, whatever the form of turnover, its ultimate upshot is to end the prevailing employer-employee Organizational Process. The focus of this research is towards the voluntary turnover of employees, to which, various Organizational factors can be affected such as job, working schedules and working background, leaders and peers, Job Satisfaction, worker attitude, etc..


Models and theories relating to turnover


There are two theories that describes employee turnover and its relative impact to Organizational productivity. Namely, Firm-Specific Human Capital (FSHC) theory developed by Becker (1975) and Job Matching Theory established by Jovanovic (1979). Both these theories attempt in explaining the negative side of employee turnover.


Firm-Specific Human Capital (FSHC) Theory explains that company has to invest more in training and development to increase the employee retention. In addition, the organization has to invest more in training when they recruit new employees and this process takes some period to create productive employee to the organization (Becker, 1975). If employees are not trained properly, while their productivity decreases, their job satisfaction also decreases that can cause for employee turnover. This theory emphasis on fact that employees learn by doing the work. Thereby more the workers stays with the company higher would be the productivity.


Job Matching Theory emphasizes that an organization will look for an employee, and a job seeker will look for a job until both parties are satisfied with each other. The conditions for measuring suitability may change over time and with the trend. When employees have fewer opportunities for advancement, they are more likely to leave the company. Employee turnover can occur when an employee with higher qualifications and a strong academic background seeks a better career opportunity (Jovanovic, 1979). This theory recognizes the need to match ever-increasing employee expectations with improved stimulus from the organization, where it was necessary to adopt and prepare for change.

According to Wilson (2016), the causes of employee turnover can be identified using two major models: the Three-Component Model and the Job Embeddedness Model, which are depicted in the figure below.

Figure 2. 1: Factors Affecting Employee Turnover


It is said that the success of an organization is determined by the person who leads it. When managing an Organization, there are numerous difficulties, bottlenecks, and roadblocks. However, with proper guidance and leadership, it is possible to achieve success, and a person who successfully and effectively completes that task is identified as a leader. Leadership entails carrying out the company's vision (or, in some cases, redefining and improving it) as well as setting the tone and culture for that specific organization. Leaders' attitudes, behavior, belief, actions, characteristics are important to determine the performance of their subordinates. In today's uncertainty and dynamic environment, it is very important and required, what leaders bring the organization since they have prime responsibility for the organization’s achievements. The current world few of leader’s key roles are directing and their subordinates to achieving organizational goals should be a good communicator and have good network inside/outside of the organization, building a positive culture in an organization, motivate and creating confidence in subordinate, team builder, adapt to the environment changes and time to time introduce new good changes as well, etc.

         Figure 2. 2: 3 P's of Leadership

Person - : A person who wishes to become a leader does not need to have a position of office or a job title, as this is not a mandatory requirement. A leader must lead by example, and one of the most important qualities he should possess is the ability to listen. Commitment to achieving goals is a critical personal trait for leaders.


Purpose -: To achieve unrealized desires, one must dream, and dreaming is all about having a personal vision to achieve goals. This also necessitates identifying the support of others in order to achieve the desired goals, as well as how one can mold them to assist in achieving them.


People -: Every leader requires followers. To gain followers, one must first establish trust and confidence in them. They must "Walk the Walk." When dealing with people, personal qualities, leadership style, and communication skills are essential.


A leader should have qualities such as commitment, a positive attitude, creativity, power delegation, and so on. All successful leaders devote their time and effort to achieving organizational goals, and they always provide positive vibes that motivate those around them. Leaders were never afraid of failure, as evidenced by Walt Disney, Bill Gates,Elon Musk and others. Successful leaders have always created something new that is not based on previous models. Most importantly, they have entrusted others to them and have delegated as much power and responsibility as possible.







Developed By


Scientific Management

F.W.Taylor - Scientific Management

This is not a Leadership theory but it paved the way for new thinking from the management. With Specified Job he argued that product efficiency would improve where he thought that Leaders are born and not made where only one way of Leadership.

Great Men and Trait Theory

Bernard M.Bass , R.M.Stogdill

This also believes that leaders are born and when there is a crisis men who have leadership qualities would take their due place. This theory has not consider women as leaders and not considered that leaders can be trained and influenced. However this identified that leaders have traits of responsibility, Task Completion, Persistent, Desire to achieve goals, Confidence, accountability in decisions, etc.

Lewins Leadership Style

Kurt Lewin in 1939

Identified three Leadership Styles of Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Laissez Faire leadership.

Contingency Theory

Dr. Fred Fiedler

In this theory traditional view on leadership which believe best Leadership style suited for every Occasion being dropped and argued new thinking of best leadership style is the one that fit to the given situation.

Participative Theory

Rensis Likert and Gary Yuki.

Likert Style.

Exploitative , Benevolent, Consultative and Participative


Yuki Style

Autocratic, Consultation, Joint Decision and Delegation.

Situational Leadership

Dr. Paul Hersey and Dr. Ken Blanchard

Leaders choose the leadership as per follower requirement. Leaders provide following operating assistance by Directing, Coaching, Supporting and delegating.

Transformational Leadership

James Mcgregor

Process where individual engage with others and communicate with others. Four concepts developed. Namely,

Idealised Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Simulation and Individualized Consideration.


Authentic Leadership

Dr.Bruce Avolio

Leaders promotes positive psychological capacities and positive ethical climate.

Self awareness, Relational Transparency, Balance Processing and moral perspective are the key elements.


Table 2. 1: History of Leadership Styles and Theory

     Source - : (ToughNickel, 2017)




Understanding the history of Leadership would assist in identifying correct leadership style which we could adopt in suitable style.


Leadership Styles


There are several Leaderships styles that could be implemented in an Organization.



Figure 2. 3: Useful leadership Styles

Source -: (Bright Hub, 2017)

There are no uniformed Leadership styles which could be varied with the circumstances of the events and business activities, attitudes, believes, values and Culture of the Organization.


Charismatic Leaderships - : This leadership style evolved in response to modern-day business requirements. This is the use of a leader's personal characteristics to influence his or her followers. These leaders care about the people and strive to create a positive environment for them. They would create a friendly and bubbly environment for their followers in which they would be empowered to make their own decisions. The charismatic leadership styles provided innovations, creativity, and motivation for the employees but there are major drawbacks as directionless when the leader leaves from the organization, not creating future leaders, Charismatic leaders are distinguished by a sense of strategic vision versus rational or purely tactical goals. Here the word vision refers to an idealized, highly aspirational goal that the leader wants the organization to achieve in the future. In articulating the vision, the charismatic leader’s verbal messages construct reality such that only the positive features of the future vision and the negative features of the status quo are emphasized. The status quo is usually presented as intolerable, and the vision is presented in clear specific terms as the most attractive and attainable alternative. Charismatic leaders’ use of rhetoric, high energy, persistence, unconventional and risky behavior, heroic deeds, and personal sacrifices all serve to articulate theirown high motivation and enthusiasm, which then become contagious among their followers. (Conger,Jay ,2015) This type of leadership style has been adopted by world-renowned individuals such as Mother Theresa, Adolph Hitler, and Winston Churchill. When we consider ABC Company Institution, they have a mix of more young and experienced staff, with most of the front office people being younger than the back office staff, who could be easily influenced. Recent changes had occurred in the back office division, but there is a high employee turnover in the front office division, and they could have been influenced by the back office staff. To alleviate this situation, a charismatic leader who can persuade front-office employees to be excited about their jobs is required.         

Democratic Leadership - These leaders facilitate the conversation and involve employees in decision-making. They promote a sharing culture and encourage people to express their needs and concerns. In democratic leadership decision-making, decentralized will have right subordinates to do decision making and also participate in equal stake with the decision making as well. There have been time delays as sales have increased, and management has introduced new innovative concepts that are beneficial to the company but will require more effort and time from employees. If participatory leadership was used, all parties involved could sit down and discuss the issues, which would lead to collective decisions involving all parties. This type of leader, on the other hand, considers all points of view but must make a decision on his or her own.


Situational Leadership - Depends on the actual business situation, capability of the followers and the capability of the leader, decisions are taken in the best interest of the Company. Pushing the capabilities and adopting to various challengers is the key in this type of leadership. The contingent or situational approach takes a middle road position       claiming that no one style is the best but rather the style used by the leaders is contingent upon the situation or circumstance at a given point in time. The situational leadership model outlines four sets of leadership behaviors that result from combining high and low supporting behaviors (such as listening, providing feedback and encouraging) with high and low directing behaviors (‘task-related behaviors’ such as demonstrating, instructing and monitoring). The four resulting styles are:

  • (S1) High directing/low supporting leader behavior is referred to as ‘directing’ because this style is characterized by one-way communication in which the leader defines the roles of followers, gives detailed rules and instructions while monitoring closely that they are followed and tells them what, how, when and where to do various tasks (Irgens 1995).
  • (S2) High directing/high supporting leader behavior is referred to as ‘coaching’ because with this style the leader still provides a great deal of direction, but he/she also attempts to hear followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.
  • (S3) Low directing/high supporting leader behavior is referred to as ‘supporting’ because with this style the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower.
  • (S4) Low directing/low supporting leader behavior is referred to as ‘delegating’ because the style involves letting the followers ‘run their own show’. The leader delegates as the followers are high in readiness and maturity, have the ability, and are both willing and able to take responsibility for decisions and implementation.  (Situational Leadership ,2018)

Sudden changes in management structure have caused all of these issues in ABC Company, where employees were not prepared for this sudden change. This change was not well received by ABC Company Institute employees. However, employees were pushed to their limits, which resulted in them neglecting or delaying student requests, as well as not providing adequate support to customers, resulting in numerous complaints. Capable leaders should understand the situation and encourage employees to broaden their capacities through techniques such as coaching and introducing priority setting as well as time management concepts.


Transactional Leadership - This leadership style believes in hierarchy and clear chain of command is required to proceed this type of Leadership. These leaders trust on rewards as well as on punishments. Clear levels of authority as well as Job delegation has been given and followers are restricted to carrying out Instructions. In research article Al Khajeh ,E. H. (2018) there is a positive impact on organizational performance suggested by many literature reviews on Transactional leadership, but it is contradicts the results of the survey questionnaires which shows as negative. In ABC Company culture most of the employees represent youth and inexperienced where proper guidance needed but should not restrict them by authority.


Transformational Leadership - Transformational leadership style develop the morality, skills and the motivation level of the employee and it encourage employees to look beyond their self-interest. Transformational leaders encourage subordinates to put in extra effort and to go beyond what they (subordinates) expected before. Al Khajeh ,E. H. (2018).  Transformational leaders achieve the greatest performance from subordinates since they are able to inspire their subordinates to raise their capabilities for success and develop subordinates innovative problem solving skills. Research document such as Bass and Avolio (1994), Wang, G., Oh, I.-S. & Courtright, S. H., 2011, Jyoti &Bhau(2015), Sofi and Devanadhen (2015) indicate that Transformational leadership style enhance the overall development of employee and overall performance of the organization. Leaders must provide insight into customer care and why it is necessary, as well as inform them that customers are the king and that everything should revolve around them. Furthermore, this is a one-of-a-kind situation that will not be repeated at ABC Company because leaders must be developed to adapt to this situation. More emphasis should be placed on addressing the job security of front-desk employees in order to ensure their work contribution to the institution.


Servant Leadership or Coaching Leadership - These leaders look at the followers an fulfill their needs prior to satisfying themselves. Coaching Leadership is a leadership style where a leader is directly involved in the development of their people seeking to advance their personal and professional growth. A coaching leader helps people build on their strengths, recognize their weaknesses and improve their skills. Thus, a coaching leader helps employees align their personal goals and career aspirations and recognize how it all fits together. (Coaching Leadership Style,2020). Coaching leadership aligns each employee’s personal goals with the company’s goals, with the ultimate goal of achieving high performance of the organization. Advantages of coaching leadership style are Better Understanding, Better Prepared Professionals, Create Leaders, More Motivation, More Loyalty, Better Working Environment, and Creativity. One of famous coaching leader is Mahatma Gandhi lived in India. He empowered a huge nation by getting the people motivated and believing in themselves. Some of other great leaders which execute coaching leadership style on occasion, including Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Apple’s Steve Jobs. ABC Company but it is always useful that company leaders understanding the needs of followers and take business decision in consideration of them.


Job Satisfaction


Job Satisfaction is extremely vital for the performing a Job or a task. Job performance can be defined as the motivational achievement that arose in employees mind to achieve the Organizational objectives (Feinstein, A. H. & Vondrasek, D. 2000; Ahmed, I., Nawaz, M. M., Iqbal, N., Ali, I., Shaukat, Z. & Usman, A. 2010.; Òªelik et al., 2011; Amila-Prasanga & Gamage, 2012). They go on to say that Job Satisfaction is unique to each individual and that the same level of satisfaction cannot be obtained at different stages of a job. Furthermore, studies show that job satisfaction varies by job situation, with the same person experiencing varying levels of job satisfaction in different work situations. Hauff S., Richter N., (2015) stated that Power distance between various jobs and different Job situations also affects the Job Satisfaction. Several Scholars indicate that Job Satisfaction derived from 3 different factors namely person ability to complete the required work, level of Communication of the Organization and the way management treats people (Boundless, 2018). Individual perception leads to satisfaction. According to recent research, cultural factors influence job satisfaction as well. According to a 2014 publication in the Cross Cultural Journal, there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and job characteristics, and achievement is universal, but there are significant differences in the relative importance of job characteristics across all regions. (Jeanine K.A., Leanna L., Brockehoff M., J.Rutigliano Peter, 2014).

Many organizations and individuals have difficulty determining job satisfaction. However, the majority of them recognize that Job Satisfaction has a direct impact on Job Performance and that measuring it should be prioritized in order to achieve an organization's long-term success. Prior to measuring, it is critical to understand the factors that influence job performance. According to (Sokoya S. K, 2000) Job Satisfaction factors include Pay, Promotion, work, Supervision and Co-workers and working environment. Job satisfaction affects on the organizational performance, including individual performance, organizational productivity, employee absenteeism and the employee turnover (Bonache, J. ,2005). As found by Onukwube, H. (2012) the level of job satisfaction is resulted by various factors, such as, the supervision, remuneration, promotion opportunities, impact from the co-workers, personal characteristics and     education etc.

ABC Limited employees have skills necessary to perform the required task. One of the issues ABC management currently facing is increase number of complaints by its customers. As the decision makers of the company they should provide priority in solving these issues and they should form a guideline to get feedback from customers on their experience and get necessary action to solve them. As suggested earlier this could be due to dissatisfaction among employees and following Job satisfaction cycle would be useful in solving this.



                Figure 2. 4 Ability of the Employees

Source – By Author



















3.1 Research Philosophies


Research philosophies are mainly divided into interpretive and positivism philosophies, based on the epistemology paradigm. The interpretive philosophy states that the world is interpreted through the classification schemas of the mind, which is more based on the researcher. In contrast, the positivism philosophy reflects that the reality subsists external to the researcher, and it must be examined through a thorough procedure of scientific investigation.

The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of transformational leadership on staff turnover and other mitigating factors that moderate this relationship, as well as to demonstrate more aspects of the positivism philosophy, which states that real-world data are gathered and entered into a scientific process for deriving results and conclusions, rather than the researcher making own interpretations.

There are two types of which could be named as,

·         Conclusive Research – Provides only one solution.

·         Exploratory Research – Results would not indicate conclusive to provide one solution


This research is being conducted to determine the factors that influence employee turnover. Because different factors may provide different answers, there cannot be a single answer to this research. As a result, we could classify this study as exploratory. As a result, conducting this type of research necessitates adaptability and flexibility. However, one must understand that this research was conducted to discover the emotions of employees when making decisions, and the majority of the information used in this research would be qualitative in nature. The approach to research could be used to further categorize it.

·         Inductive Approach – We use this inductive approach to find the relationship between variables and decisions would be made based on assumption and forming general opinions based on the data collected. However there would not be immediate conclusion based on the findings.


·         Deductive Approach – In a deductive approach one uses the hypothesis to test the research findings were based on the test results one could choose the hypothesis. With this one could state the relationship between independent and dependent variable.


3.2 Conceptual Framework


Guideline of the research is mentioned in the Conceptual frame work. In this framework it provides the guidance and direction in resolving the research problem. There are more than 3,000 members and out of this 50 would be selected to find out the factors that affect the employee turnover of ABC Company. Researcher has given special attention on data validity and reliability.

Figure 4. 1: Conceptual Framework         


Reliability– Data collection will be done thorough one on one discussion where selection of Individuals were based on close observation as possible with researcher personal guidance and supervision.

Validity- Validity refers to the correctness and assurance of selected data could be applied to the research. There is always possible that data could be reliable without Valid. However researcher will try to obtain reliable and valid data by personally guiding and monitoring the data collection process.





3.3 List of Hypothesis


As per the discussed research question we could develop hypotheses as follows.


Question 1

H0 - There is a positive relationship between employee demographic factors and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between employee demographic factors and Employee turnover.


Question 2

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Leadership and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Leadership and Employee turnover.


Question 3

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee turnover.   

Question 4

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Employee attitude and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Employee attitude and Employee turnover.           


Question 5

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Employee Stress Level and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Employee Stress Level and Employee turnover.   





3.4 Population of the Study


Population represents the total objects which are used in the research. In this total population in consideration are the total employees of the ABC Company. This is known as the target Population. There are nearly 3000 employees working in the ABC Company.


3.5 Sample


It would be impossible to carry out the research using population figures. As a result, an appropriate sample should be chosen to represent the entire population. The main reason for selecting a sample is that the total population is large and it would be impossible to obtain their opinions. Furthermore, by limiting the population to a sample, it is possible to focus on specific areas and find solutions accordingly. Respondents to the survey come from a variety of backgrounds and hold a variety of viewpoints. We can safely conclude that there is no uniqueness among the respondents to this study. Because this population is heterogeneous, the researcher proposes using stratified sampling after considering all of the factors. We could divide the required sample based on specific characteristics and choose individuals to represent the population. We have selected a sample of 50 respondents randomly who are active members of the ABC Company in Sri lanka when considering the Sample Size.







3.6 Research Strategy


For the research, two types of data are available. Primary data are those that are collected solely for the purpose of research, whereas secondary data are those that are already available to the researcher. Secondary data are gathered through a literature review, whereas primary data serve as the research's basic analytical data and are regarded as the primary feeders.

Primary data is defined as original data that was collected specifically for the research in question.  These are collected by someone firsthand directly from the source. These could be first-hand data gathered through a survey, research, or other means. In a population, however, gathering primary data would be difficult, so a sample would be chosen and other methods of evaluation, such as interviews and observations, would be used. However, one must understand the research constraints, such as time and cost, as information for this study would be gathered through a questionnaire, which includes Likert scale question items, as it is easier for respondents to provide short and direct answers.

Secondary data, also known as historical data, is gathered from previous literature such as journal papers, magazines, books, websites, and so on, because these sources contain readily available information that can be used directly.


3.7 Proposed Statistical Method


To find the relationship will use Pearson Chi Square tests checks the strength between relationship/correlation, in likelihood ratio checks how is more likely to occur the results.

3.8 Operationalization of Variables


Variables are used in research. However, we won't be able to draw conclusions from them unless we convert them into measurable factors. This process of converting variables into measurability is known as operationalization (, 2018). As previously discussed and explained, this research would use more qualitative factors because it is based on Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Attitude, and so on. As a result, a Likert scale would be used, and the results would be interpreted using scientific tools to make suggestions and recommendations. This operationalization would improve the validity of the research results by connecting the set hypothesis with the research. The Operationalization method allows researchers to establish a definite methodology for data collection, interpretation, analysis, and providing concluding recommendations.


















This study focuses on measuring and evaluating turnover, as well as addressing employee Leadership, Job satisfaction, Attitudes, and Stress scales in relation to changes occurring in ABC Company. ABC Company is undergoing a phase of restructuring changes, which has caused confusion among employees who are directly affected by the change as well as employees in other divisions, and as a result, employee turnover has increased significantly. As a result, the ABC Company's performance suffered as a result of these issues.

The overall discussion of this report would be based on determining whether the ABC Company's restructuring affected employee turnover and how leadership and job satisfaction influence avoiding direct conflicts and improving ABC Company staff performance.

When considering the Sample Size, we chose a random sample of 50 respondents who are active members of the ABC Company. Employee Turnover was chosen as the dependent variable for the study, and Demographic Factors (Age, Gender, Marital Status), Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Attitude, and Employee Stress Levels were chosen as the independent variables.

Based on our considerations, we would apply the following hypothesis to investigate the business change.

Question 1

H0 - There is a positive relationship between employee demographic factors and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between employee demographic factors and Employee turnover.


Question 2

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Leadership and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Leadership and Employee turnover.           

Question 3

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee turnover.   

Question 4

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Employee attitude and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Employee attitude and Employee turnover.           


Question 5

H0 - There is a positive relationship between Employee Stress Level and Employee turnover.

H1 - There is no positive relationship between Employee Stress Level and Employee turnover.   

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