, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Colombo Stock Market Financial Research: An Analysis of the online life style on juvenile cybercrime behavior in Sri Lanka, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5012522416583791, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Saturday, March 7, 2020

An Analysis of the online life style on juvenile cybercrime behavior in Sri Lanka

An Analysis of the online life style on juvenile cybercrime behavior in Sri Lanka
This paper examines the relevant patterns of cybercrime and the way it impacts on youth and the future planning of the youth to go against cybercrime. Realizing the importance of these two cybercrime and its effects is made ​​to objective data, information and taking appropriate measures to improve the current situation. Cybercrime define as a crime involving a computer as the object of the crime, or the tool used for a material component of the offense. And in the 21st century where the importance of information security is at the zenith, continuous cybercrimes recorded though out the world has created additional risks in the world.

But in the Srilankan context these organizational wide cyber-attacks are not very popular. Yet juvenile nature crimes recorded though out the country continuously. And some of them have led to suicide incidents as well.

The study empirical research on the current function of cybercrime , the nature , types , causes and consequences and the relationship between cybercrime and Internet and measuring the victims of cybercrime. It is done by a questioner survey included close -ended question, 52 respondents were taken in to participation

Then through the SPSS software, the result obtained from questionnaire were analyzed and they were further interpreted to identify patterns and relationships

Finally, we agreed that a general corrective measure effective in re - orientation and empowerment of young people to positive use of their internet skills. Thus, the reduction of cybercrime would require a process of using the Internet.

1.1 Background of the study

Internet has been very instrumental in the development phrase of any country during the 21st century. However it also bears some negative elements which has been scrutinized for years. Especially as far as the younger generation is concerned this criticality of the excessive and over usage for internet which causes externalities to the society at large.
At the introduction of the computer and the internet it was confined to corporate, professional and academic use as the initial investment and the maintenance cost was excessive. However by course of time there were numerous innovations and inventions happened I the field of information and technology and it became accessible to almost anyone. The most beneficial people of this were the teens and youths of the new millennium.
It is evident that the easy access to internet benefited many sectors as well as theeducation sector where the younger generation is included. At the same time it was reported that the younger generation’s involvement in cybercrimes has an increasing trend over the past 10 years as per International Police organization’s data sources . In the today’s context it has become very familiar to any of usto read in the newspaper about a teen committing a crime using technology, computer or internet.
As per International police organization cybercrime is one of the rapidly growing areas of criminality. As per the International police organization as well as other research sources (Carter: 1995; Davis and Hutchison: 1997 ; Islam : 2013), there are two major types of cyber crimes
The first category is where the computer becomes the instrument in the commitment of the crime. child pornography, criminal harassment, fraud, intellectual property violations and the sale of illegal substances and goods can be sited as examples for such crimes
The second category is the crimes where computer becomes the object of the crime hacking or unauthorized use of computer systems, defacing websites, creation and malicious dissemination of computer viruses are some examples for crimes under this category
For the purpose of this dissertation, Both the category one and two crimes will be coming under the scope where the youth is involved

1.2 Problem Statement
What are tha factors affecting in creating juvenile cybercrime and their level of impact?
1.3 Objective of the study
There are two main objectives of this study
1.      The primary objective is to analyse the influence of internet usage effect on juvenile cybercrime behavior
2.      Based on these findings, this study proposes preventive strategies to combat against juvenile cybercrime and effectively avoid the continuous increase that we experienced during the past years
1.4 Scope of the Study
The research involved 150 youths who are aged between 18- 30 who are srilankan citizens and living in the Colombo district. And Through questionnaire of 35 questions the juvenile, crime behavior will be tested. Also the cybercrimes committed by adults as well as professional criminals were not considered to be within the scope of the study as the study predominantly aimed at youths. Also “computer-supported crimes”, which covers the use of computers by criminals for communication and document or data storage,were not treated as cybercrimes as the technical nature of this is significantly different to the cybercrimes.

2.1 Main Article
Li-Hsing, H & Lin, Y & Huang, C (2012) ‘Influences of Online Lifestyle on Juvenile Cybercrime Behaviors in Taiwan ’29 (2012) 2545-2550.
In this research paper authors identify variables they identify in the thesis serve as good indicators when predicting juvenile crime behavior in Taiwan. Those variables are gratification and dependence. /they have collected data using 2 scattered samples. They are;
1.      Normal Teens ;which includes 1367 individuals who have been selected randomly from junior high schools, Senior high schools and vocational schools
2.      Juveniles in correctional institutions; this includes 255  juveniles in correctional institutions
Furthermore this research concludes that dependence is a powerful predictor of cybercrimes. A person who is more dependent on the Internet ismore likely to commit cybercrimes. This study confirms that higher dependence on the Internet leads to
more criminal behaviors, which is a relatively new finding.
2.2 Other Articles
Goonatilake, M K 2012 ‘Efficacy of Sri Lanka’s legal provisions to combat Cyber crimes’ an unpublished PhD thesis, Faculty of graduate studies, University of Colombo. Retrieved on November 15, 2015

The current Sri Lankan legislation not specifically related to Cyber ​​Crimes international standards, where the Indian legislation is meeting especially the issue Cyber ​​Crimes. The purpose of the study is to investigate Sri Lankan legislative enactment in terms of Computer Crimes Act and the Act includes provisions to combat computer crime and therefore the target was reached in this study. The importance of the computer crimes legislation and the effectiveness of the law of Sri Lanka Computer Crimes are the main highlights of this paper. The conclusion highlights the fact that existing legislation and lawsuits is not only sufficient to overcome this growing crimes, but also ignore new safety measures in addition to the existing to the hackers and find strengthen the computer systems of possible cyber-attacks.

Life style theory
It was identified in previous studies that a person has the opportunity to become a criminal if that person has a frequent contact and association with criminals [2]. It was identified that the environment that a person is living in could influence the attitude and the behavior. So in association with criminals could make a person motivated to commit crimes
Furthermore Ige (2008) studied the perception high school students' of incidences of internet crimes among school-age children in Oyo and Ondo States, Nigeria. The study showed that students who initiated into cybercrime by their friends in the universities, polytechnics and colleges of education. Furthermore, male students more involved than their female counterparts, a reflection of what is happening in the world. The involvement of senior high school students ' Internet crime is not a function of the socioeconomic status of the parents , as students from both rich and poor homes involved in the crime. In addition to this, the involvement of students in cybercrime has no effect on their academic performance, as students are higher levels of cognitive thinking used to scam people is being exploited on the Internet to improve their academic standard .
Further it was identified in previous studies that risks of victimization is connected with one’s personal traits and styles [3]. Through his research Wysocki asserted that online life style could lead very unethical and harmful behaviors. This is proven when considering people/youths who are used to watch pornography over the internet and log in to sex chat rooms[4]
Gratification theory
This emphasize how a person becomes satisfied when using internet or by using internet and having a online life style. This theory further explains, though that a person tries to maintain mental balance. Further this satisfaction and pleasure could arise due to several reasons [5].Mcquail notes social circumstances and mental preferences affects people’s use of media and expected benefits provided by media[6]. Zhong and Zhang [7] indicated that the satisfaction derived from playing online games formulate the drives and expectations for people to choose the games. Lu [8] illustrated the connection between gratification, motives, and usage behaviors driven from Internet use.   

Flow theory
Csikszentmihalyi introduced current theory also describes about the Internet addiction. The idea behind this theory is that as a whole the process itself
or herself in a scenario and devotes 100 % attention and mental concentration some human activities , it eliminates unnecessary sensations. As a result, the person falls into a state of "flow".
This study examines the nature of the instruments that lead to indulgence juvenile in the Internet with the intention of exploring the link between personality traits and their online lifestyle . This study labels that use the Internet to the degree of influence on their mental / physical conditions and daily life as " Internetdependent , " instead of "Internet addiction " or " netaholic " , that can make a preferably in the direction of deviation , and conflictingconcepts. This research focuses on the relationship between internet dependence and cybercrime behavior and the influence of Internet on deviant and criminal behavior.
Cybercrime covers a broad horizon of criminal activity by a computer. Some common examples of cybercrime contain financial scams, identity theft, cyber bullying and destruction site. At the organizational level cybercrime is used for hacking databases and intellectual property theft of the customer. According to the Council of Europe "Every criminal offense is identified with the help of a computer asCybercrime "(Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime in 2001: 8). Cybercrime is a criminal action involving the use of computer equipment or other forms of ICT (Pati, 2003) .There is no exact definition of cybercrime as several researchers and organizations have different definitions based from their place and state. It has severalnames such as computer crime, internet crime and high-tech crime (Brenner and Goodman, 2002: 6, Kowalski 2002: 7). There are many forms of cybercrime exists in the world today. Surveys and studies show that the whole world to explore the types of crime is; which generally occur in any place in the world. "Identity fraud" is a type (Blindell 2006). It is defined as identity fraud refers to the acquisition of money, services, goods or other welfares by means of a false identity (ACPR 2006: 14). The term "identity theft in the United States is commonly used to cover a range of identity crime in the UK is known as identity fraud in Australia, it involves the use of identity crime as a generic descriptionclosing a website with transaction processing capability, consumers can easily victims online fraud.Attitudes be formed on the basis of personality, knowledge or perception [ 9 ] . If people are not the activity they may witness, or in which they can participate, be recognized as ' corrupt ‘, they are not
Likely to respond as such if they recognize the behavior as “corrupt " it , they are also likely to try to change behavior ( Independent Commission Against Corruption , 1994).
In Nigeria, young people, especially students and unemployed ICT inventions embraced, so that the Internet medium is now taking more of their timecompared to their other daily activities. The varieties of use offered by the Net, such as electronic mail, 'chat' systems andInternet messaging (IM), often serve as the true reason for executing nefarious 'webonomics' and other fraudulent activities of young people [11] This has considerably gave birth to the emergence of 'yahoo - boys’ sub - Nigerian culture among young people, especially in urban centers. The focus of this research is the perception of Yahoo - boys over to investigate their activities, understand the informal network supporting Internet fraud; and determine how it is organized in different areas of specialization among students in tertiary institutions. The informal network has become important for the planning, implementation and execution of organized criminal activity in Nigeria.

Juvenile crimes are the crimes that are not intentionally attacking a certain person or property. But that could be either harmless or harm full
Internet privacy abuse took place in two forms, commonly classified as dangerous abuse and malicious abuse [12 ] . Harmless abuse can be classified as attacks are not directed at a person usually a marketing stunt or e- marketing. There are also attracting people false promotions attention to a particular website for commercial sand publicity. A classic example of abuse innocent ismild spam typically used for distributing advertising andevangelism or information, the recipient is usually not cost a lot of damage control with the exception of a few seconds wasted and removes. Either innocent abuseor not, it is a violation and infringement on people'sprivacy.

Illegal downloading of games and software’s also can be considered as another type of juvenile cyber crime
In this technology - development, onlinemultiplayer gaming has become a very successful industry and become a leader in entertainment in the world. This new application combines multimedia, 3D , artificialintelligence , broadband networks , sound , computer interaction and so on , andhas become a very popular form of entertainment , hitting many householdssuch as computer -based online games , Microsoft Xbox , Sony's PS2, etc. It is not onlyrapidly accumulates trailers, but also involves diverse and interactive appeal
Unfortunately, with the growth of online gaming, there is an amazinggrowth in the online gaming-related crimes (offenders are mostly in the age groupof 15-20), particularly MMORPG games. Such as cyber-criminal activitiesOnline gaming is growing at an alarming rate. In 2002, the number of thefts,fraudulent activities, robberies, forged documents, assault and battery,
threats and illegal gambling cases from online games rose to 55 from 1300Only two years earlier; Additionally, become online-gaming-related crimemost serious problem within all cyber-criminal cases in Taiwan (Chen et al., 2004).In our previous research, we have illustrated the online gaming crime and safetyproblems (Chen et al., 2004), analyzed the impact of online gaming crime (Chen et al.,2003), and gave a layout for various criminal behavior (Chen et al., 2005).
As per Ibrahim Sirkecionine music down loading can be identified as another crime of infringement where youths are involved in most of the time.
According to some studies, only 20 percent of the UK population has boughtonline music. However, illegal file sharing is widespread, with an estimated 95 percent ofmusic downloads illegally done online and admit seven million Britons tounauthorized downloading having tried (Hunt et al, 2009;.Mintel, 2008 A, B; Eagleshamand Fenton, 2008). According to a study in 2009, "about one in five peopleEurope's top markets (21 percent) are engaged in frequent unauthorized music-sharing “(IFPI, 2010, p. 19). "Illegal downloading of music" was claimed to hit a record in 2007, whenhalf of the people on social networking sites reported illegally downloading tracks(Bland, 2007). This is clearly not limited to the downloading of music. Often downloading throughpeer-to-peer platforms, such as the sharing of copyrighted material is illegal in the fileUK. However, legal frameworks and attitudes vary unauthorized downloading. For example, in Canada and Sweden, copyright more flexible than in the UK (Bown, 2009; Jackson, 2009; Bradshaw, 2009).

Chapter 03 Research Methods

3.1 Data collection Methods
A Sample of 52 students was involved in the study based on the convenient sampling method. Participants were aged between 21 and 25. And the average age of the participants was 23 and the mode was 24. 40.4% of the total participants were male while 59.6 were males. And the majority of the participants (46.2%) were from Colombo. while others represented suburbs. And the general education of the sample was at a quite satisfactory level. Entire sample has completed the high school and 71.2% was either degree holders or undergraduates. So the aim could be focused at white collar crimes rather than blue collar crimes

3.2 Types of Variables



3.3 Population and Sample
Entire youth population in Srilanka becomes the population for the purpose of the study
Based on the convenient sampling method 52 youths have been selected from different areas of Srilanka.
3.4. Statistical analysis
For the purpose of the report data will be analyzed using SPSS statistical software. In order to perform the demographic analysis the data will be analyzed using descriptive analysis. And tto test hypothesis correlation analysis will be used; finally to identify the predictability of the data pattern regression analysis will be used. Also it is vital identify the reliability of the data set. It is measured form cronbach alpha and for the partcuar study it gave a reliability level of .72

3.5 List of Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
There is no relationship between gratification derives from using internet and Juvenile crime behavior
There is a relationship between gratification derives from using internet and Juvenile crime behavior
There is No relationship between internet dependence and the juvenile crime behavior
There is a relationship between internet dependence and the juvenile crime behavior
There is NO relationship between IT knowledge a person proses and the juvenile crime behavior
There is a relationship between IT knowledge a person proses and the juvenile crime behavior
There is No relationship between the availability of facilities and juvenile crime behavior
There is a relationship between the availability of facilities and juvenile crime behavior
There is NO relationship between friends influence and juvenile crime behavior
There is a relationship between friends influence and juvenile crime behavior

Identifying the juvenile crime behavior in Srilankan Youths

Ref No


1.)    State your age

2.)    Sex


3.)    Are you employed


4.)    Educational Background
High School



Post Graduate

5.)    District of your permanent residence……………………………………………….

Please indicate the number that represents the strength of your feeling with regard to the satisfaction you get from internet

6.)    Internet satisfy my needs for shopping

7.)    Internet makes it easy to build up relationships/ Have conversation with new friends

8.)    Internet provides the information I need

9.)    I can say and do whatever  I want

10.)                        Internet provides me ways of earnings


11.)                        People have told me more than once that I spend too much time online

12.)                        I spend more time online than I planned

13.)                        I need to spend time online to feel satisfied

14.)                        I cannot control my impulse of going online

15.)                        When I want to cut down on my internet usage, I feel down and grumpy

16.)                        I see internet as an expensive service to consume

17.)                        My internet connection at home is very convenient in terms of download speed, usage capacity and uninterrupted in nature

18.)                        At any given point in time I have the access to internet either through mobile phone, Laptop, Tablet, etc:

19.)                        Do you have following memberships

Facebook account                                           Yes                              No      

E mail account                                                            Yes                              No

Linkedin Account                                           Yes                              No      

Instagram                                                        Yes                              No

Twitter                                                            Yes                              No

20.)                        Is internet restricted to use by your parent

21.)                        I have a sound IT knowledge

22.)                        I have undergone a course/degree/diploma that is IT related

23.)                        I involve in a job where the level of IT knowledge id highly required

24.)                        My friends/Neighbors seek my assistance when they come across an IT issue

25.)                        To fulfill my IT necessities I need to seek for others who has better IT knowledge

26.)                        I have friends who are addicted to internet

27.)                        I follow recommendations of my friends for websites, new IT devices, Movies, etc.

28.)                        I work as a team when watching online movies, downloading and sharing computer games

29.)                        I have friends whoare addicted to internet phonography

30.)                        I have contact with unknown friends from different areas countries when working online

31.)                        Have you ever hacked(accessed in an unauthorized way)facebookaccounts,email accounts of others

32.)                        Have you ever downloaded software, movies, songs, illegally.(without making payments)

33.)                        Are you using software with appropriate license

34.)                         Do you have facebook, instagram or any other social media account which you have created ina name to hide your identity

35.)                        Have you tried and succeeded in breaking  in to secured network of others

Thank you for your co-operation

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