IT Expenditure/ Investment, Productivity, Competitive
Advantage & Bottom line performance
People’s bank has
heavily investing in IT development during reason past in view of achieving higher
productivity, gaining competitive advantages and to bubble with bottom line performances
in the banking industry. Mainly increasing the productivity among the staff, to
face the rival competitiveness successfully with inclusion of latest IT infrastructures
in view of achieving competitive advantages and increasing market share portfolio and finally to maximize
its bottom line performances.
So far this
journey was successful and the steps taken have given green light signal to
further move forward. Bank didn’t try any labor reduction at first with this IT
infusion but wanted the productivity level of the employees at a highest level.
Further banking industry in Sri Lanka highly competitive and retaining the
market share is not an easy task and meanwhile to gain growth need to increase
the business volume, portfolio and market share to strengthen the bottom line
IT investment has
become vital elements in application of corporate strategies to enhance the
shareholder value. In the banking industry, IT strategy and performance
measurement are important factors in Balance Scorecard approach. Investment cost
in IT is very high, it is time consuming too and has to face lot of hurdles to
overcome the obstacles.
Balance scorecard
concentrated Financial, Customer, Internal business and Innovation & learning
perspective. People’ bank has successfully identifying the above factors well
and address them by giving more weigh on those. Financial perspective is the
base for all these developments and everything aligned to strengthen the bank
profitability by the way of increasing customer base, business growth and
market share. According to BASL-111 implementation by 2019/20 all the banks
have to meet new capital adequacy structure. Our owner is Govt. and they not in
a position to infuse fresh capital. Options available are privatization of few
segments of the bank. Exg. Security, cash transport and selling shares at share
market. To overcome bank need to increase profit at large level in 2018, 2019
and 2020.
On the other way to attract the core subject “customers” eye
catching color system, Logo changing, entire banks physical evidence changing,
and Vision /Mission statement changing
everything have been done simultaneously in the bank without keeping any room to imitate
by the competitors easily and they have
become shocked/surprised after seeing
the sudden massive level changes.
Internal business
process also self banking units (SBU) bank wanted to utilize the staff for more
business promotion activities to increase market share. Internally by
centralizing some processes, focused the staff towards more on customer side
from internal back office functioning. Unnecessary internal processes were
changed and more weight given on business development area.
After introducing
SBU, CDM and WAVE app bank without stopping at that point concentrated more
on Research and development (R&D) side too.
Bank continuously introduces new facilities to customer. Exg. Express banking,
which was paperless account opening system and does not need single paper documentation.
While people’s wave solving lot of requirements of the customers, other side
new features gradually added through the R & D. Professionally qualified people from
universities are hired for the R & D on pre and post basis of the new
Though the
financial cost was very high bank managed well and within one tear achieved the
milestone target by establishing of 100 self-servicing units all over the
Island. Not only invested, but also bank concentrated on innovation &
learning perspective too continuously went on to introduced new banking features
like Digitalize banking, Express banking, People’s Wave app and corporate
customer package.
While engaging
such a large project always there will be barriers and challenges.Accordingly
this change was taken Media, parliament and become
politicians talkative topic at that time. Special committee was appointed to inquire
about the tender procedures. Internal pressure group- unions also become panic,
whether it will become threat for employees and staff also worried about their
future. However, the fear of them is cleared and all are functioning smoothly.
If we look into
the advantages, banks image has been heavily popularized with this rapid changes existing customer segments
and non-customer segments are unbelievable at a point. This it development made
the customers convenience to enjoy banking themselves at any time (CDM/ATM/KIOSK).
Bank was able to use the extra employees created from the automation to use for
marketing, business mobilization and business promotion activities in view of
achieving the market share.
Though bank has
successfully managed all the threats and challenges there are some disadvantages
in the process. Bank was lacked in the pre evaluation process, it pave path for
some early breakdowns. CDM machines are produced for sophisticated currencies
and not like the currencies what used in our country. Due to that frequent cash
jamming reported. Further all machines are on hired basis and huge rentals have
been paid. Actually bank would have purchased the machines outright as why
annual rental was enough for the cost of the machines.
Further, without any
survey, SBUs are opened everywhere to meet the target. Here what we saw
personal agenda was placed first. Exg. We have Galle Rd, Col-6, Col-4, Col-3
and Col-2 Bank would have avoided Col-4which didn’t have much
transactions. While we are developing
digitalization banking business, we have to reduce the brick and motor systems.
Anyhow as per to BSC
application, the perspectives are properly addressed by the bank. Bank without limiting the BSC to
performance appraisal, applied the BSC norms perfectly for strategic
implementation in the bank.
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