Horizontal Analysis is a technology that use to identify the
Percentage Change of the Elements of Financial Statements comparing to the
previous year Data.
For the Year Ended 31 March
2019 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2019 |
2018 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
1,922,137 |
1,840,687 |
81,450 |
4.4% |
Cost of Sales |
-1,895,416 |
-1,739,751 |
-155,665 |
8.9% |
Gross Profit |
26,721 |
100,936 |
-74,215 |
-73.5% |
Other Operating Income |
516,741 |
466,777 |
49,964 |
10.7% |
Administrative Expenses
-196,976 |
-180,567 |
-16,409 |
9.1% |
Distribution Expenses
-134,592 |
-137,362 |
2,770 |
-2.0% |
Other Operating Expenses
-11,292 |
-261 |
-11,031 |
4226.4% |
Profit from Operations |
200,602 |
249,523 |
-48,921 |
-19.6% |
Finance Income |
8,966 |
33,557 |
-24,591 |
-73.3% |
Finance Expense |
-94,163 |
-4,734 |
-89,429 |
1889.1% |
Net Finance Income / (Expense) |
-85,197 |
28,823 |
-114,020 |
-395.6% |
Profit / (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
115,405 |
278,346 |
-162,941 |
-58.5% |
Income Tax Expense |
-13,922 |
-1,945 |
-11,977 |
615.8% |
Profit / (Loss) for the Year |
101,483 |
276,401 |
-174,918 |
-63.3% |
Other Comprehensive Income |
Items that are or may be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Net Change in Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI
/Available for Sale Investments |
-3,386,323 |
182,485 |
-3,568,808 |
-1955.7% |
Items that will never be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
8,033 |
-3,007 |
11,040 |
-367.1% |
Tax on Other Comprehensive Income |
-2,249 |
842 |
-3,091 |
-367.1% |
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
-3,380,539 |
180,320 |
-3,560,859 |
-1974.7% |
Total Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
-3,279,056 |
456,721 |
-3,735,777 |
-818.0% |
There is a noticeable
decline in year-end profit when comparing to the 2018. Significance increases
in Operating Expenses, Finance Expenses, and Income Tax Expenses are negatively
impact on Year-end Profit.
For the Year Ended 31
2018 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2018 |
2017 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
1,840,687 |
2,053,427 |
-212,740 |
-10.4% |
Cost of Sales |
-1,739,751 |
-1,898,491 |
158,740 |
-8.4% |
Gross Profit |
100,936 |
154,936 |
-54,000 |
-34.9% |
Other Operating Income |
466,777 |
376,899 |
89,878 |
23.8% |
Administrative Expenses
-180,567 |
-184,999 |
4,432 |
-2.4% |
Distribution Expenses
-137,362 |
-128,414 |
-8,948 |
7.0% |
Other Operating Expenses
-261 |
-232 |
-29 |
12.5% |
Profit from Operations |
249,523 |
218,190 |
31,333 |
14.4% |
Finance Income |
33,557 |
17,257 |
16,300 |
94.5% |
Finance Expense |
-4,734 |
-18,528 |
13,794 |
-74.4% |
Net Finance Income / (Expense) |
28,823 |
-1,271 |
30,094 |
-2367.7% |
Profit / (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
278,346 |
216,919 |
61,427 |
28.3% |
Income Tax Expense |
-1,945 |
16,924 |
-18,869 |
-111.5% |
Profit / (Loss) for the Year |
276,401 |
233,843 |
42,558 |
18.2% |
Other Comprehensive Income |
Items that are or may be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Net Change in Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI
/Available for Sale Investments |
182,485 |
1,161,622 |
-979,137 |
-84.3% |
Items that will never be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
-3,007 |
-813 |
-2,194 |
269.9% |
Tax on Other Comprehensive Income |
842 |
842 |
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
180,320 |
1,160,809 |
-980,489 |
-84.5% |
Total Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
456,721 |
1,394,652 |
-937,931 |
-67.3% |
Even though Revenue is
reduced comparing to the 2017, Company has managed to record an increased
Year-end Profit in 2018.
For the Year Ended 31
2017 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2017 |
2016 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
2,053,427 |
2,394,015 |
-340,588 |
-14.2% |
Cost of Sales |
-1,898,491 |
-2,171,741 |
273,250 |
-12.6% |
Gross Profit |
154,936 |
222,274 |
-67,338 |
-30.3% |
Other Operating Income |
376,899 |
198,177 |
178,722 |
90.2% |
Administrative Expenses
-184,999 |
-172,743 |
-12,256 |
7.1% |
Distribution Expenses
-128,414 |
-186,768 |
58,354 |
-31.2% |
Other Operating Expenses
-232 |
-6,749 |
6,517 |
-96.6% |
Profit from Operations |
218,190 |
54,191 |
163,999 |
302.6% |
Finance Income |
17,257 |
807 |
16,450 |
2038.4% |
Finance Expense |
-18,528 |
-92,468 |
73,940 |
-80.0% |
Net Finance Income / (Expense) |
-1,271 |
-91,661 |
90,390 |
-98.6% |
Profit / (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
216,919 |
-37,470 |
254,389 |
-678.9% |
Income Tax Expense |
16,924 |
20,014 |
-3,090 |
-15.4% |
Profit / (Loss) for the Year |
233,843 |
-17,456 |
251,299 |
-1439.6% |
Other Comprehensive Income |
Items that are or may be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Net Change in Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI
/Available for Sale Investments |
1,161,622 |
-1,302,080 |
2,463,702 |
-189.2% |
Items that will never be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
-813 |
-1,005 |
192 |
-19.1% |
Tax on Other Comprehensive Income |
0 |
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
1,160,809 |
-1,303,085 |
2,463,894 |
-189.1% |
Total Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
1,394,652 |
-1,320,541 |
2,715,193 |
-205.6% |
Increased Operation
Income and Finance Income has led to a huge increase in Year-end Profit as 2016
has come up with a loss.
For the Year Ended 31
2016 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2016 |
2015 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
2,394,015 |
1,957,046 |
436,969 |
22.3% |
Cost of Sales |
-2,171,741 |
-1,894,013 |
-277,728 |
14.7% |
Gross Profit |
222,274 |
63,033 |
159,241 |
252.6% |
Other Operating Income |
198,177 |
254,758 |
-56,581 |
-22.2% |
Administrative Expenses
-172,743 |
-140,115 |
-32,628 |
23.3% |
Distribution Expenses
-186,768 |
-130,339 |
-56,429 |
43.3% |
Other Operating Expenses
-6,749 |
-4,766 |
-1,983 |
41.6% |
Profit from Operations |
54,191 |
42,571 |
11,620 |
27.3% |
Finance Income |
807 |
16,636 |
-15,829 |
-95.1% |
Finance Expense |
-92,468 |
-37,178 |
-55,290 |
148.7% |
Net Finance Income / (Expense) |
-91,661 |
-20,542 |
-71,119 |
346.2% |
Profit / (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
-37,470 |
22,029 |
-59,499 |
-270.1% |
Income Tax Expense |
20,014 |
46,264 |
-26,250 |
-56.7% |
Profit / (Loss) for the Year |
-17,456 |
68,293 |
-85,749 |
-125.6% |
Other Comprehensive Income |
Items that are or may be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Net Change in Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI
/Available for Sale Investments |
-1,302,080 |
1,423,556 |
-2,725,636 |
-191.5% |
Items that will never be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
-1,005 |
-4,069 |
3,064 |
-75.3% |
Tax on Other Comprehensive Income |
0 |
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
-1,303,085 |
1,419,487 |
-2,722,572 |
-191.8% |
Total Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
-1,320,541 |
1,487,780 |
-2,808,321 |
-188.8% |
Year End resulted with a
Loss to the company. But the Gross Profit was considerably high comparing to
the 2015. But Other expenses and incomes grant negative contribution to the End
For the Year Ended 31
2015 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2015 |
2014 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
1,957,046 |
2,446,113 |
-489,067 |
-20.0% |
Cost of Sales |
-1,894,013 |
-2,274,881 |
380,868 |
-16.7% |
Gross Profit |
63,033 |
171,232 |
-108,199 |
-63.2% |
Other Operating Income |
254,758 |
125,847 |
128,911 |
102.4% |
Administrative Expenses
-140,115 |
-140,458 |
343 |
-0.2% |
Distribution Expenses
-130,339 |
-109,985 |
-20,354 |
18.5% |
Other Operating Expenses
-4,766 |
-7,156 |
2,390 |
-33.4% |
Profit from Operations |
42,571 |
39,480 |
3,091 |
7.8% |
Finance Income |
16,636 |
10,171 |
6,465 |
63.6% |
Finance Expense |
-37,178 |
-35,589 |
-1,589 |
4.5% |
Net Finance Income / (Expense) |
-20,542 |
-25,418 |
4,876 |
-19.2% |
Profit / (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
22,029 |
14,062 |
7,967 |
56.7% |
Income Tax Expense |
46,264 |
29,957 |
16,307 |
54.4% |
Profit / (Loss) for the Year |
68,293 |
44,019 |
24,274 |
55.1% |
Other Comprehensive Income |
Items that are or may be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Net Change in Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI
/Available for Sale Investments |
1,423,556 |
1,385,595 |
37,961 |
2.7% |
Items that will never be reclassified to Profit or
Loss |
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
-4,069 |
-3,529 |
-540 |
15.3% |
Tax on Other Comprehensive Income |
0 |
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
1,419,487 |
1,382,066 |
37,421 |
2.7% |
Total Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
1,487,780 |
1,426,085 |
61,695 |
4.3% |
Other Operating Income
and Finance income has noticeable increase and Year-end profit is higher than
For the Year Ended 31
2019 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2019 |
2018 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
136,226 |
143,342 |
-7,116 |
-5.0% |
Investment in Subsidiaries |
1,076,022 |
755,001 |
321,021 |
42.5% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
6,118,831 |
9,505,154 |
-3,386,323 |
-35.6% |
Deferred Tax Asset |
75,266 |
91,437 |
-16,171 |
-17.7% |
Total Non-Current Assets |
7,406,345 |
10,494,934 |
-3,088,589 |
-29.4% |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
659,652 |
498,088 |
161,564 |
32.4% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
209,839 |
270,283 |
-60,444 |
-22.4% |
Trade Receivables |
173,475 |
172,375 |
1,100 |
0.6% |
Other Receivables |
96,324 |
52,811 |
43,513 |
82.4% |
Amounts Due from Related Companies |
415,355 |
516,814 |
-101,459 |
-19.6% |
Current Tax Assets |
31,395 |
34,523 |
-3,128 |
-9.1% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
22,861 |
38,010 |
-15,149 |
-39.9% |
Total Current Assets |
1,608,901 |
1,582,904 |
25,997 |
1.6% |
Total Assets |
9,015,246 |
12,077,838 |
-3,062,592 |
-25.4% |
Equity and Liabilities |
Equity |
Stated Capital |
999,950 |
999,950 |
0 |
0.0% |
Capital Reserves |
105,116 |
105,116 |
0 |
0.0% |
Available for Sale Reserve |
5,547,745 |
8,934,068 |
-3,386,323 |
-37.9% |
Revenue Reserves |
1,666,558 |
1,662,306 |
4,252 |
0.3% |
Total Equity |
8,319,369 |
11,701,440 |
-3,382,071 |
-28.9% |
Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Retirement Benefit Obligations |
58,007 |
62,227 |
-4,220 |
-6.8% |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
58,007 |
62,227 |
-4,220 |
-6.8% |
Current Liabilities |
Trade and Other Payables
346,795 |
70,800 |
275,995 |
389.8% |
Amounts Due to Related Companies |
37,094 |
55,349 |
-18,255 |
-33.0% |
Bank Overdraft |
253,981 |
188,022 |
65,959 |
35.1% |
Total Current Liabilities |
637,870 |
314,171 |
323,699 |
103.0% |
Total Liabilities |
695,877 |
376,398 |
319,479 |
84.9% |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
9,015,246 |
12,077,838 |
-3,062,592 |
-25.4% |
Total Assets has
experienced a deduction. Mainly the deduction of Non-Current Assets has
impacted the Total Assets. Total Liabilities has Increased but Equity has
For the Year Ended 31
2018 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2018 |
2017 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
143,342 |
162,710 |
-19,368 |
-11.9% |
Investment in Subsidiaries |
755,001 |
755,262 |
-261 |
0.0% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
9,505,154 |
8,989,283 |
515,871 |
5.7% |
Deferred Tax Asset |
91,437 |
89,152 |
2,285 |
2.6% |
Total Non Current Assets |
10,494,934 |
9,996,407 |
498,527 |
5.0% |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
498,088 |
262,735 |
235,353 |
89.6% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
270,283 |
244,838 |
25,445 |
10.4% |
Trade Receivables |
172,375 |
113,453 |
58,922 |
51.9% |
Other Receivables |
52,811 |
15,868 |
36,943 |
232.8% |
Amounts Due from Related Companies |
516,814 |
958,492 |
-441,678 |
-46.1% |
Current Tax Assets |
34,523 |
27,736 |
6,787 |
24.5% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
38,010 |
161,432 |
-123,422 |
-76.5% |
Total Current Assets |
1,582,904 |
1,784,554 |
-201,650 |
-11.3% |
Total Assets |
12,077,838 |
11,780,961 |
296,877 |
2.5% |
Equity and Liabilities |
Equity |
Stated Capital |
999,950 |
999,950 |
0 |
0.0% |
Capital Reserves |
105,116 |
105,116 |
0 |
0.0% |
Available for Sale Reserve |
8,934,068 |
8,751,583 |
182,485 |
2.1% |
Revenue Reserves |
1,662,306 |
1,488,064 |
174,242 |
11.7% |
Total Equity |
11,701,440 |
11,344,713 |
356,727 |
3.1% |
Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Retirement Benefit Obligations |
62,227 |
51,429 |
10,798 |
21.0% |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
62,227 |
51,429 |
10,798 |
21.0% |
Current Liabilities |
Trade and Other Payables
70,800 |
182,427 |
-111,627 |
-61.2% |
Amounts Due to Related Companies |
55,349 |
124,650 |
-69,301 |
-55.6% |
Bank Overdraft |
188,022 |
77,742 |
110,280 |
141.9% |
Total Current Liabilities |
314,171 |
384,819 |
-70,648 |
-18.4% |
Total Liabilities |
376,398 |
436,248 |
-59,850 |
-13.7% |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
12,077,838 |
11,780,961 |
296,877 |
2.5% |
Even though Current
Assets has decreased, Total Assets showing a slight increment. Total
Liabilities has decreased but Equity has increased.
For the Year Ended 31
2017 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2017 |
2016 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
162,710 |
186,883 |
-24,173 |
-12.9% |
Investment in Subsidiaries |
755,262 |
755,495 |
-233 |
0.0% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
8,989,283 |
7,827,661 |
1,161,622 |
14.8% |
Deferred Tax Asset |
89,152 |
68,294 |
20,858 |
30.5% |
Total Non-Current Assets |
9,996,407 |
8,838,333 |
1,158,074 |
13.1% |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
262,735 |
339,698 |
-76,963 |
-22.7% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
244,838 |
247,029 |
-2,191 |
-0.9% |
Trade Receivables |
113,453 |
193,650 |
-80,197 |
-41.4% |
Other Receivables |
15,868 |
20,265 |
-4,397 |
-21.7% |
Amounts Due from Related Companies |
958,492 |
730,416 |
228,076 |
31.2% |
Current Tax Assets |
27,736 |
18,942 |
8,794 |
46.4% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
161,432 |
17,493 |
143,939 |
822.8% |
Total Current Assets |
1,784,554 |
1,567,493 |
217,061 |
13.8% |
Total Assets |
11,780,961 |
10,405,826 |
1,375,135 |
13.2% |
Equity and Liabilities |
Equity |
Stated Capital |
999,950 |
999,950 |
0 |
0.0% |
Capital Reserves |
105,116 |
105,116 |
0 |
0.0% |
Available for Sale Reserve |
8,751,583 |
7,589,961 |
1,161,622 |
15.3% |
Revenue Reserves |
1,488,064 |
1,305,032 |
183,032 |
14.0% |
Total Equity |
11,344,713 |
10,000,059 |
1,344,654 |
13.4% |
Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Retirement Benefit Obligations |
51,429 |
44,765 |
6,664 |
14.9% |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
51,429 |
44,765 |
6,664 |
14.9% |
Current Liabilities |
Trade and Other Payables
182,427 |
68,895 |
113,532 |
164.8% |
Amounts Due to Related Companies |
124,650 |
26,022 |
98,628 |
379.0% |
Bank Overdraft |
77,742 |
266,085 |
-188,343 |
-70.8% |
Total Current Liabilities |
384,819 |
361,002 |
23,817 |
6.6% |
Total Liabilities |
436,248 |
405,767 |
30,481 |
7.5% |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
11,780,961 |
10,405,826 |
1,375,135 |
13.2% |
It is interesting that
here current and non-current assets, current and non-current liabilities and
Equity all has increased.
For the Year Ended 31 March
2016 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2016 |
2015 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
186,883 |
214,959 |
-28,076 |
-13.1% |
Investment in Subsidiaries |
755,495 |
762,244 |
-6,749 |
-0.9% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
7,827,661 |
9,129,741 |
-1,302,080 |
-14.3% |
Deferred Tax Asset |
68,294 |
47,742 |
20,552 |
43.0% |
Total Non-Current Assets |
8,838,333 |
10,154,686 |
-1,316,353 |
-13.0% |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
339,698 |
618,716 |
-279,018 |
-45.1% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
247,029 |
305,929 |
-58,900 |
-19.3% |
Trade Receivables |
193,650 |
231,173 |
-37,523 |
-16.2% |
Other Receivables |
20,265 |
17,688 |
2,577 |
14.6% |
Amounts Due from Related Companies |
730,416 |
837,739 |
-107,323 |
-12.8% |
Current Tax Assets |
18,942 |
11,184 |
7,758 |
69.4% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
17,493 |
15,767 |
1,726 |
10.9% |
Total Current Assets |
1,567,493 |
2,038,196 |
-470,703 |
-23.1% |
Total Assets |
10,405,826 |
12,192,882 |
-1,787,056 |
-14.7% |
Equity and Liabilities |
Equity |
Stated Capital |
999,950 |
999,950 |
0 |
0.0% |
Capital Reserves |
105,116 |
105,116 |
0 |
0.0% |
Available for Sale Reserve |
7,589,961 |
8,892,041 |
-1,302,080 |
-14.6% |
Revenue Reserves |
1,305,032 |
1,373,491 |
-68,459 |
-5.0% |
Total Equity |
10,000,059 |
11,370,598 |
-1,370,539 |
-12.1% |
Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Retirement Benefit Obligations |
44,765 |
38,826 |
5,939 |
15.3% |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
44,765 |
38,826 |
5,939 |
15.3% |
Current Liabilities |
Trade and Other Payables
68,895 |
182,721 |
-113,826 |
-62.3% |
Amounts Due to Related Companies |
26,022 |
27,689 |
-1,667 |
-6.0% |
Bank Overdraft |
266,085 |
173,048 |
93,037 |
53.8% |
Total Current Liabilities |
361,002 |
783,458 |
-422,456 |
-53.9% |
Total Liabilities |
405,767 |
822,284 |
-416,517 |
-50.7% |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
10,405,826 |
12,192,882 |
-1,787,056 |
-14.7% |
From all five elements,
Only Non-Current Liabilities has shown an increment comparing to 2015.
For the Year Ended 31
2015 |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2015 |
2014 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
214,959 |
235,513 |
-20,554 |
-8.7% |
Investment in Subsidiaries |
762,244 |
767,009 |
-4,765 |
-0.6% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
9,129,741 |
7,706,185 |
1,423,556 |
18.5% |
Deferred Tax Asset |
47,742 |
0 |
47,742 |
- |
Total Non-Current Assets |
10,154,686 |
8,708,707 |
1,445,979 |
16.6% |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
618,716 |
351,631 |
267,085 |
76.0% |
Investment in Equity Securities |
305,929 |
236,453 |
69,476 |
29.4% |
Trade Receivables |
231,173 |
209,065 |
22,108 |
10.6% |
Other Receivables |
17,688 |
33,787 |
-16,099 |
-47.6% |
Amounts Due from Related Companies |
837,739 |
874,609 |
-36,870 |
-4.2% |
Current Tax Assets |
11,184 |
8,042 |
3,142 |
39.1% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents |
15,767 |
49,277 |
-33,510 |
-68.0% |
Total Current Assets |
2,038,196 |
1,762,864 |
275,332 |
15.6% |
Total Assets |
12,192,882 |
10,471,571 |
1,721,311 |
16.4% |
Equity and Liabilities |
Equity |
Stated Capital |
999,950 |
999,950 |
0 |
0.0% |
Capital Reserves |
105,116 |
105,116 |
0 |
0.0% |
Available for Sale Reserve |
8,892,041 |
7,468,485 |
1,423,556 |
19.1% |
Revenue Reserves |
1,373,491 |
1,309,267 |
64,224 |
4.9% |
Total Equity |
11,370,598 |
9,882,818 |
1,487,780 |
15.1% |
Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Retirement Benefit Obligations |
38,826 |
29,733 |
9,093 |
30.6% |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
38,826 |
30,028 |
8,798 |
29.3% |
Current Liabilities |
Trade and Other Payables
182,721 |
415,916 |
-233,195 |
-56.1% |
Amounts Due to Related Companies |
27,689 |
102,045 |
-74,356 |
-72.9% |
Bank Overdraft |
173,048 |
9,796 |
163,252 |
1666.5% |
Total Current Liabilities |
783,458 |
558,725 |
224,733 |
40.2% |
Total Liabilities |
822,284 |
588,753 |
233,531 |
39.7% |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
12,192,882 |
10,471,571 |
1,721,311 |
16.4% |
Company |
Change |
%Change |
2019 |
2018 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Cash Flows from Operating Activities |
Profit / (Loss) before Income Tax Expense |
115,405 |
278,346 |
-162,941 |
-58.5% |
Adjustments for; |
Depreciation on Property, Plant and Equipment |
15,986 |
21,087 |
-5,101 |
-24.2% |
Changes in Fair Value of Equity Securities at FVTPL /
Financial Assets Held for Trading |
76,610 |
-4,835 |
81,445 |
-1684.5% |
Provision / (Reversal) of Impairment of Investment in
Subsidiaries |
-271,021 |
261 |
-271,282 |
-103939.5% |
Provision of Impairment for Amounts due from Related
Companies |
10,876 |
0 |
10,876 |
Provision of Impairment for Fixed Deposits |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Provision / (Reversal) of Impairment for Trade
Receivables |
-616 |
3,349 |
-3,965 |
-118.4% |
ESC Written-off |
10,570 |
0 |
10,570 |
Gain on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment |
-500 |
-7 |
-493 |
7042.9% |
Loss on Translation of Foreign Currency |
12,648 |
0 |
12,648 |
Provision for Retirement Benefit Obligations |
11,223 |
11,601 |
-378 |
-3.3% |
Reversal for Obsolete of Inventories |
-413 |
0 |
-413 |
Dividend Income |
-165,543 |
-388,720 |
223,177 |
-57.4% |
Interest Income |
-8,966 |
-18,614 |
9,648 |
-51.8% |
Interest Expense |
4,905 |
4,734 |
171 |
3.6% |
Operating Profit/(Loss) before working capital changes |
-188,834 |
-92,798 |
-96,036 |
103.5% |
Changes in ; |
Inventories |
-161,151 |
-235,353 |
74,202 |
-31.5% |
Trade and Other Receivables |
-47,014 |
-99,213 |
52,199 |
-52.6% |
Amounts due from Related Companies |
90,583 |
441,678 |
-351,095 |
-79.5% |
Amounts due to Related Companies |
-18,255 |
-69,301 |
51,046 |
-73.7% |
Trade and Other Payables |
262,247 |
-111,627 |
373,874 |
-334.9% |
Cash Flows generated from/(used in) Operating
Activities |
-62,424 |
-166,614 |
104,190 |
-62.5% |
Interest Paid |
-4,905 |
-4,734 |
-171 |
3.6% |
Income Tax Paid |
-7,445 |
-10,175 |
2,730 |
-26.8% |
Retirement Benefit Obligation Paid |
-7,410 |
-3,810 |
-3,600 |
94.5% |
Net Cash Flows generated from/(used in) Operating
Activities |
-82,184 |
-185,333 |
103,149 |
-55.7% |
Cash Flows from Investing Activities |
Interest Received |
8,966 |
18,614 |
-9,648 |
-51.8% |
Dividend Received |
162,391 |
55,334 |
107,057 |
193.5% |
Investment in Equity Securities at FVTPL / Financial
Assets Held for Trading |
-13,016 |
-20,610 |
7,594 |
-36.8% |
Proceeds from Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment |
500 |
7 |
493 |
7042.9% |
Investment in new Subsidiary - United Dairies Lanka (Pvt)
Limited |
-50,000 |
0 |
-50,000 |
Purchase and Construction of Property, Plant and
Equipment |
-8,870 |
-1,719 |
-7,151 |
416.0% |
Net Cash Flows generated from/(used in) Investing
Activities |
99,971 |
51,626 |
48,345 |
93.6% |
Cash Flows from Financing Activities |
Dividend Paid |
-98,890 |
-99,995 |
1,105 |
-1.1% |
Net Cash Flows used in Financing Activities |
-98,890 |
-99,995 |
1,105 |
-1.1% |
Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
-81,103 |
-233,702 |
152,599 |
-65.3% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the Year |
-150,012 |
83,690 |
-233,702 |
-279.2% |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the Year |
-231,115 |
-150,012 |
-81,103 |
54.1% |
There is negative Cash
and Cash Equivalents at the end of the both 2018 and 2019 years. But in 2019,
it went towards more decreased value.
Trend analysis is a financial statement analysis technique
that shows changes in the amounts of corresponding financial statement items
over a period of time. It is a useful tool to evaluate the trend situations.
The earliest period is usually used as the base period and the items on the
statements for all later periods are compared with items on the statements of
the base period. The changes are generally shown in percentage. The goal is to
determine any increase or decline in specific values that has taken place.
Company-Rs.000 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Turnover |
1,957,046 |
2,394,015 |
2,053,427 |
1,840,687 |
1,922,137 |
Gross Profit |
63,033 |
222,274 |
154,936 |
100,936 |
26,721 |
(Loss) before Tax |
22,029 |
-37,470 |
216,919 |
278,346 |
115,405 |
Taxation |
46,264 |
20,014 |
16,925 |
-1,945 |
-13,922 |
(Loss) after Tax |
68,293 |
-17,456 |
233,844 |
276,401 |
101,483 |
Dividends |
49,998 |
49,998 |
99,995 |
99,995 |
49,998 |
Plant and Equipment |
214,959 |
186,883 |
162,710 |
143,342 |
136,226 |
Investment |
305,929 |
247,029 |
244,838 |
270,283 |
209,839 |
Assets |
2,038,196 |
1,567,493 |
1,784,555 |
1,582,904 |
1,608,901 |
Total Assets |
12,192,882 |
10,405,826 |
11,780,962 |
12,077,838 |
9,015,246 |
Total Equity |
11,370,598 |
10,000,059 |
11,344,714 |
11,701,440 |
8,319,369 |
Liabilities |
38,826 |
44,765 |
51,429 |
62,227 |
58,007 |
Liabilities |
783,458 |
361,002 |
384,819 |
314,171 |
637,870 |
Company |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Turnover |
100% |
122% |
105% |
94% |
98% |
Gross Profit |
100% |
353% |
246% |
160% |
42% |
Profit/ (Loss) before Tax |
100% |
-170% |
985% |
1264% |
524% |
Taxation |
100% |
43% |
37% |
-4% |
-30% |
Profit/ (Loss) after Tax |
100% |
-26% |
342% |
405% |
149% |
Dividends |
100% |
100% |
200% |
200% |
100% |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
100% |
87% |
76% |
67% |
63% |
Short-term Investment |
100% |
81% |
80% |
88% |
69% |
Current Assets |
100% |
77% |
88% |
78% |
79% |
Total Assets |
100% |
85% |
97% |
99% |
74% |
Total Equity |
100% |
88% |
100% |
103% |
73% |
Non-Current Liabilities |
100% |
115% |
132% |
160% |
149% |
Current Liabilities |
100% |
46% |
49% |
40% |
81% |
Profit (loss) before Tax and Profit (loss) after Tax is
having same trend patterns but the Profit (loss) before Tax is Fluctuating in
large amounts. Turnover is quite stable during the period.
Property, Plant and Equipment are reducing over time while
Non-Current Liabilities are showing a growth. Other Elements are having random
Vertical analysis is a method of financial statement
analysis in which each line item is listed as a percentage of a base figure
within the statement. Thus, line items on an income statement can be stated as
a percentage of gross sales, while line items on a balance sheet can be stated
as a percentage of total assets or liabilities. Vertical analysis makes it much
easier to compare the financial statements of one company with another, and
across industries. This is because one can see the relative proportions of
account balances.
Company |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Revenue |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Cost of Sales
-98.6% |
-94.5% |
-92.5% |
-90.7% |
-96.8% |
Gross Profit |
1.4% |
5.5% |
7.5% |
9.3% |
3.2% |
Operating Income |
26.9% |
25.4% |
18.4% |
8.3% |
13.0% |
Expenses |
-10.2% |
-9.8% |
-9.0% |
-7.2% |
-7.2% |
Expenses |
-7.0% |
-7.5% |
-6.3% |
-7.8% |
-6.7% |
Operating Expenses |
-0.6% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
-0.3% |
-0.2% |
Profit from
Operations |
10.4% |
13.6% |
10.6% |
2.3% |
2.2% |
Income |
0.5% |
1.8% |
0.8% |
0.0% |
0.9% |
Expense |
-4.9% |
-0.3% |
-0.9% |
-3.9% |
-1.9% |
Net Finance
Income / (Expense) |
-4.4% |
1.6% |
-0.1% |
-3.8% |
-1.0% |
Profit /
(Loss) Before Income Tax Expense |
6.0% |
15.1% |
10.6% |
-1.6% |
1.1% |
Income Tax
Expense |
-0.7% |
-0.1% |
0.8% |
0.8% |
2.4% |
Profit /
(Loss) for the Year |
5.3% |
15.0% |
11.4% |
-0.7% |
3.5% |
Comprehensive Income |
Items that
are or may be reclassified to Profit or Loss |
Net Change in
Fair Value of Equity Securities - at FVOCI /Available for Sale Investments |
-176.2% |
9.9% |
56.6% |
-54.4% |
72.7% |
Items that
will never be reclassified to Profit or Loss |
Gain / (Loss) on Retirement Benefit Obligations |
0.4% |
-0.2% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
-0.2% |
Tax on Other
Comprehensive Income |
-0.1% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.0% |
Comprehensive Income / (Expense) for the Year |
-175.9% |
9.8% |
56.5% |
-54.4% |
72.5% |
Comprehensive Income / (Expense) |
-170.6% |
24.8% |
67.9% |
-55.2% |
76.0% |
(Revenue was taken as the Base)
Company |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Rs.000's |
Assets |
Assets |
Plant and Equipment |
1.5% |
1.2% |
1.4% |
1.8% |
1.8% |
Investment in
Subsidiaries |
11.9% |
6.3% |
6.4% |
7.3% |
6.3% |
Investment in
Equity Securities |
67.9% |
78.7% |
76.3% |
75.2% |
74.9% |
Deferred Tax
Asset |
0.8% |
0.8% |
0.8% |
0.7% |
0.4% |
Non-Current Assets |
82.2% |
86.9% |
84.9% |
84.9% |
83.3% |
Assets |
Inventories |
7.3% |
4.1% |
2.2% |
3.3% |
5.1% |
Investment in
Equity Securities |
2.3% |
2.2% |
2.1% |
2.4% |
2.5% |
Receivables |
1.9% |
1.4% |
1.0% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
Receivables |
1.1% |
0.4% |
0.1% |
0.2% |
0.1% |
Amounts Due
from Related Companies |
4.6% |
4.3% |
8.1% |
7.0% |
6.9% |
Current Tax
Assets |
0.3% |
0.3% |
0.2% |
0.2% |
0.1% |
Cash and Cash
Equivalents |
0.3% |
0.3% |
1.4% |
0.2% |
0.1% |
Current Assets |
17.8% |
13.1% |
15.1% |
15.1% |
16.7% |
Assets |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Equity and
Liabilities |
Equity |
Capital |
11.1% |
8.3% |
8.5% |
9.6% |
8.2% |
Reserves |
1.2% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
1.0% |
0.9% |
Available for
Sale Reserve |
61.5% |
74.0% |
74.3% |
72.9% |
72.9% |
Reserves |
18.5% |
13.8% |
12.6% |
12.5% |
11.3% |
Equity |
92.3% |
96.9% |
96.3% |
96.1% |
93.3% |
Liabilities |
Liabilities |
Benefit Obligations |
0.6% |
0.5% |
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.3% |
Non-Current Liabilities |
0.6% |
0.5% |
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.3% |
Liabilities |
Trade and
Other Payables |
3.8% |
0.6% |
1.5% |
0.7% |
1.5% |
Amounts Due
to Related Companies |
0.4% |
0.5% |
1.1% |
0.3% |
0.2% |
Overdraft |
2.8% |
1.6% |
0.7% |
2.6% |
1.4% |
Current Liabilities |
7.1% |
2.6% |
3.3% |
3.5% |
6.4% |
Liabilities |
7.7% |
3.1% |
3.7% |
3.9% |
6.7% |
Equity and Liabilities |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
(Total Assets /
Total Equity and Liabilities was taken as the base)
When it comes to
Total Equity and Liabilities, Equity is taking around 94% of total. The total non-current assets round up to an
85% of total assets.
Ratio analysis is a quantitative method of gaining insight
into a company's liquidity, operational efficiency, and profitability by
studying its financial statements. Investors and analysts employ ratio analysis
to evaluate the financial health of companies by scrutinizing past and current
financial statements. Comparative data can demonstrate how a company is
performing over time and can be used to estimate likely future performance.
There are four kind of Ratios
Liquidity and Efficiency Ratios
Solvency Ratios
Profitability Ratios
Market Ratios
Liquidity and Efficiency Ratios
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Ratio (Times) |
2.52 |
5.04 |
4.64 |
4.34 |
2.6 |
Acid Test
Ratio (Times) |
12.96 |
32.09 |
27.01 |
25.64 |
14.83 |
Receivable Turnover (times) |
11.12 |
12.88 |
13.37 |
11.27 |
8.89 |
Turnover/ Merchandise Turnover (times) |
3.27 |
4.57 |
6.30 |
4.53 |
3.90 |
Days to Sell Inventory (Days) |
32.84 |
28.34 |
27.29 |
32.39 |
41.05 |
Asset Turnover |
0.182 |
0.154 |
0.185 |
0.212 |
0.173 |
The current ratio indicate the ability of a company to repay
the current liabilities out of the current assets.
The acid ratio is a modified current ratio that takes into account
the fact that inventory may be relatively difficult current asset to convert
into cash. This ratio therefore reflects a more conservative view of the
ability to repay the current liabilities within a short period.
Accounts receivable turnover indicates the entity’s credit
and collection efficiency.
Inventory turnover indicated how fast inventory is turned to
All of these four Ratios are showing a Bell shaped trend.
Highest values are recorded about 2017.
Average Days to Sell Inventory is showing an increasing
trend. This ratio measures how many days, on average, it takes to sell the
Solvency Ratios
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Debt Ratio |
7.72% |
3.12% |
3.70% |
3.90% |
6.74% |
Equity Ratio |
92.28% |
96.88% |
96.30% |
96.10% |
93.26% |
Plant Assets to
Long-Term Liabilities |
2.35 |
2.30 |
3.16 |
4.17 |
5.54 |
Debt Ratio is increasing
slightly in last 3 years. This ratio measures what portion of a company’s
assets are contributed by creditors.
Equity Ratio is showing
an inverse trend. This ratio measures what portion of a company’s assets are
contributed by owners.
Plant Assets to Long-Term
Liabilities in decreasing over time. This is not favorable as this ratio
suggests how well long-term debt is managed to finance long-term assets.
Profitability Ratios
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Earnings per
share (Rs.) |
2.54 |
6.91 |
5.85 |
-0.44 |
1.71 |
Return on
equity (%) |
1.01 |
2.40 |
2.19 |
-0.16 |
0.64 |
Return on
Total Assets (%) |
0.96 |
2.32 |
2.11 |
-0.15 |
0.60 |
Gross Profit
Ratio (%) |
1.39 |
5.48 |
7.55 |
9.29 |
3.22 |
Profit/(Loss) Ratio (%) |
5.28 |
15.02 |
11.39 |
-0.73 |
3.49 |
Earnings per share indicates how much income was earned for
each share of common stock outstanding. Huge dump on this Ratio is recorded in
2019 and that is not a good indicate for shareholders.
Return on equity measure indicates how well the company
employed the owners’ investments to earn income.
Return on Total Assets is generally considered the best overall
measure of a company’s profitability.
Gross Profit Ratio measures the amount remaining from $1 in
sales that is left to cover operating expenses and a profit after considering
cost of sales.
Net Profit Ratio describes a company’s ability to earn a net
income from sales.
Market Ratios
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Price earnings ratio
(Times) |
43.31 |
22.88 |
20.01 |
-260.22 |
81.87 |
Dividend Yield |
1.1% |
1.6% |
2.1% |
1.1% |
0.9% |
Price earnings ratio is often used by investors as a general
guideline in gauging stock values.
Generally, the higher the price-earnings ratio, the more opportunity a
company has for growth. It is good that company has a positive Price earning
ration with a recent increasing trend.
Dividend Yield ratio identifies the return, in terms of cash
dividends, on the current market price of the stock. Company has to pay
attention on increasing this Ratio.
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