When consider the introduction of
a research, it is to provide a basic understanding of the current study. This
includes Background of the study, Research problem, Research questions,
Research objectives, Significance & scope of the study and Limitation of
the study. Education is the most valuable thing which human can gain from the
college, university & society. It helps to survive & stand among the
people without getting any trouble. As a person, researcher taking knowledge
from the beginning to end chapter of life.
Background of the Study
Education is fundamental to
development & growth
Research Problem
Sri Lanka is a more literate
society in the world. As per the statistics of the Department of Census &
Statistics, it has been proved the literacy rate of Sri Lanka is at a significantly
higher rate than other developing countries. As university students, they have
more capacity to be creative with the knowledge they have & knowledge they
are taking from the university. On another hand, it is an advantage to be
creative as a university student and keep up the performance of their studies. Students
are selected for university courses mainly based on their performance at the General
Certificate of Examination (Advanced Level) and only very few get selected for
the state-funded university programs
show a different type of
performances in the university. A small-scale study undertaken by Gammie (1999), suggested that students were not
very proficient in predicting their honors degree classification at the
beginning of their final honors year. Specifically, the weaker students tended
to over-estimate, and the stronger students under-estimate their final performance.
That pattern is questionable when considering the condition of the learning,
syllabuses, and performance of the undergraduates and their performance were
same in the A/L time period. Undergraduate should have to have talents to
perform in the university exams as their A/Ls. Undergraduates are the people
who are going to give new knowledge to the society and due to the situation,
academic performance of the undergraduates is important. Most of the previous
studies are carried out in medical science, economics and accounting. There are
not found the research evidence that conducted to find the relationship between
academic performance and the creative talents. In this study, researchers are
going to investigate how those eight patterns of creative talents affect the
academic performance of university students and to identify which talents are mostly
affected by higher performance. Due to limitations, the researchers have selected
undergraduates from four faculties such as Commerce & Management Studies, Social
Science, Humanities & Science as a sample of students.
Research Question
What are the creative talents of
What is the academic performance
level of undergraduates?
What is the relationship between
creative talent and the level of academic performance of undergraduates?
What is the influence of each
creative talent on the academic performance of undergraduates?
What is the most significant
creative talent on the academic performance of undergraduates?
Research Objectives
identify the creative level of each undergraduate.
analyze the level of academic performance of each creative talent of undergraduates.
identify the relationship of each creative talent and the level of academic performance
of undergraduates.
identify the influence of each creative talent on the academic performance of undergraduates.
determine the most significant creative talent on the academic performance
Significance of the Study
University students are performing at a better level
in their academic studies than other students in a society. In their A/Ls, they
have performed in a higher degree of performance. Students are selected for
university courses mainly based on their performance at the General Certificate
of Examination (Advanced Level) and only very few get selected for the
state-funded university programs. In the university level, undergraduates are
taking a different level of marks for their examination. However, they have
passed A/Ls at a higher degree of performance. It is more significant to study
the factors affecting the different level of performance in the studies of
undergraduate. According to Carl G. Jung’s (1875-1961) model & Lynne C. Levesque’s
Breakthrough Creativity Profile can identify eight kinds of creative
talent categories. Breakthrough Creativity Profile is
a tool to evaluate individual’s creativity categories & their creativity
levels under each category.
This study is going to investigate individual’s
performance level & the creative talent
category & creativity level of everyone. The
study will build a relationship between the
academic performance of undergraduates & their
creative talents. Importance of this
study is, to identify which creative talent category
is performing well in the studies for
the academics of undergraduates.
Limitation of the Study
Researchers use a questionnaire to measure the
creative talents of the university students which has more than ten questions.
They use technology to send questionnaires such as Google forms & it
occurred the limit of the audience due to unavailability of the internet
connection with some respondents. And, the questionnaire is so complex to fill
and so lengthy to the respondents. Because of that, researchers must explain
the questionnaire for everyone to get proper answers to the questions. The
researcher has limited to the sample size of 150 of the university students in University
of Sri Jayewardenepura because of the time limitation.
Organization of the Chapters
Chapter 1: Chapter one consists of introducing
the research problem, research objectives and the rationale for the study.
Chapter 2: Through a literature review, this
chapter describes; independent variable and dependent variable and hypothesis
development. And suggest a suitable conceptual framework for this research
Chapter 3: How the findings are done is based
on this chapter. According to the research, what are the methodological
choices, methods of data being gathered, population, the basis of the sample,
ways of sampling, how data being process and method of analyzing?
Chapter 4: This chapter will present the data
analysis and hypothesis testing results through the statistical methods.
Chapter 5: This chapter provides; discusses
the findings of the research, the conclusion of the study, recommendations,
limitations, and the suggestion for future researchers.
This chapter describes the literature have written
about the World Education, Education of Sri Lanka, Higher Education, University
Education, Academic Performance, Creativity & Creative Talent Profile.
World Education
Education is fundamental to development & growth
Education in Sri Lanka
The system of free education which operates in Sri
Lanka was established in 1942
Even though a state-run system of education exists,
there is the parallel provision of education by the private sector as well
Higher Education in Universities of Sri Lanka
In most developing countries, the government is the
largest funder of higher education as generally private funding is difficult
and politically hazardous in these countries
The University Grants Commission (UGC) directly
controls admission into the 15 universities and two other public institutions
Academic Performance of Undergraduates
There are many
enduring factors which influence undergraduate student performance at
Creative Talent Profile
Creativity of Individuals
Creativity refers to a person's thinking of new and
useful ideas at work
Myers- Briggs Type indicators (MBTI)
Carl G. Jung (1875-1961) defined eight different
patterns for perceiving information and decision making
Extraversion-Introversion (E-I)
Sensing-Intuition (S-N)
Thinking-Feeling (T-F)
Judging-Perceiving (J-P)
Each person taking the MBTI will prefer one of the
two categories in each scale, resulting in 1 of 16 possible 4-letter types
(e.g., ESFP or INTJ). The interplay of these preferences within each type
affects how people think, act, and behave
Orientations toward the world
If operate
best in the Extraverted world, tend to, |
If operate
best in the introverted world, tend
to, |
§ Focus attention outward: on people,
things & actions. § Develop creative ideas with others,
externally. § Value external sharing &
relationship. § Prefer interaction, interruptions, & meetings. § Have a breadth &
variety of interest. § Communicate by talking. § Be public & out loud. § Value action. § Ask questions to clarify expectations. § Have an interest in external event. § Accept standards of others. |
§ Focus attention inward: on concept, ideas &
feeling. § Develop creative ideas independently, internally. § Value internal interpretation & understanding. § Prefer concentration, pauses &
solitude. § Have a depth &
focus to interest. § Communicate by writing. § Be private & intense. § Value reflection. § Ask questions for understanding. § Have an interest in internal reactions. § Set your own standards. |
Table 1 Orientations toward the world.
Source: Survey Data
Jung identified two pairs of functions form of
preferred behavior:
A pair of perceiving or data collecting
functions. (sensation & intuition)
A pair of Judging or decision-making function.
(thinking & feeling)
Perceiving Functions
If prefer sensation, tend to |
If prefer intuition, tend to |
§ Use body & sense to know. § Look at specific parts
& pieces, facts,
& details. § Have realistic pictures of what is happening § Focus on the here and now or on connection to the
past. § Prefer clearly defined expectations &
specific instructions, plans
& guideline. § Provide precise
descriptions & definition. § Be seen pragmatic,
concrete & down to earth. § Rely on tangible
experience to solve problem. § Learn &
work sequentially &
methodologically. § Value hard
work. § Like to make things
work. § Imagine pictures with specific colors, shapes, smells,
textures. § Build on what has already been done. |
§ Know without knowing how know. § Look at patterns, relationship & possibilities. § Develop visions of what could
happen. § Focus on the future, the
unknown, and unseen. § Prefer an overall rational
& a general purpose &
direction with plenty
of options to explore. § Provide general terms,
meanings, & interpretations. § Be seen abstract, theoretical and having heard in the clouds. § Rely on intangible
ingenuity to solve problem. § Learn & work
rapidly and randomly. § Value inspiration. § Like to understand. § Imagine unusual images& connections. § Prefer to do things
differently. |
Table 2 Perceiving Functions
Survey Data
Judging Functions
If prefer thinking, tend to be. |
If prefer feeling, tend to be. |
§ Base decisions on objective, impersonal principles and facts. § Categorize: think
“either-or” § Appreciate justice, fairness & equity. § Weigh the evidence. § Question, analyze & problem solve. § Anticipate &
plan for obstacles. § Use logic “if this,
then that”: focus
on consequences. § Be concise when speaking & writing. § Make classifications. § Prefer to clarify in decision making &
planning. § Create strategies & designs. § Focus on goals, objectives & structure. § Ask “why?” |
§ Base decisions on subjective, personal, cultural & organizational values. § Harmonize: consider “both – and” § Appreciate mercy,
empathy & loyalty. § Determine the worth &
importance. § Sympathize, relate
& share. § Anticipate people’s needs & reactions. § Consider impact on people,
politics & relationships. § Be expressive when speaking and writing. § Make connections. § Prefer involvement in planning &
implementation. § Create nurturing environments. § Focus on how personal needs will be met. § Ask “who?” |
Table 3 Judging Functions
Survey Data
And the base of these theories, to classify each
individual to each creative talent & to evaluate their creativity level the
Breakthrough Creativity Profile was developed by Lynne C. Levesque. It was
developed based on the work of Carl Jung. Levesque used theoretical concepts of
Jung to create her approach to understanding & identify breakthrough
creativity. To discover the creative talents Carl Jung was developed, model.
According to this model, five important points were
explained in different creative talent.
There are two attitudes or orientations to the
world: extraverted & introverted.
There are four mental functions for taking in
& processing data & information:
intuition, thinking & feeling.
Each function can operate in the extraverted
& introverted worlds. The
combination of
functions & attitude results in eight effective talents.
Develop preferences using the talent in a
certain order, with the first being called
creative talent and the second being called auxiliary creative talent.
Interaction among creative talents can influence
perspective, assumptions &
approaches to
creative solutions & the kind of creative results that produce.
1 Myers- Briggs Type indicators (MBTI) model
Survey Data
Follow is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality
inventory who has created by Kathrine Briggs and Isabel Myers.
Figure 2 16 types of creative talents
The eight types of creative talents
Jung believed that each of four functions of
sensation, intuition, thinking & feeling has & extraverted &
introverted orientation. There are differences within each of functions,
depending on whether the function is extraverted or introverted. Thus, eight
combinations or creative talents can impact on our creative results &
Four of these creative talents are used to perceive
or collect data and information.
The Adventure (Extraverted sensation)
The Navigator (Introverted sensation)
The Explorer (Extraverted intuition)
The Visionary (Introverted intuition)
Other four of creative talents help evaluate data
& information & make decisions.
The Pilot (Extraverted thinking)
The Inventor (Introverted thinking)
The Harmonizer (Extraverted feeling)
The poet (Introverted feeling)
Figure 3 Eight combinations of creativity talents
These eight types of creative talents are described
in below with characteristics of each talent.
Dominant & Auxiliary Creative talents
Every person is a talented person as per the Levesque
and his/her creative talent is referred as 'Dominant' talent. People used to
act like that do like that in their real life. Than other talents him/her have,
it becomes better developed. And there is another talent called 'Auxiliary' to
balance the dominant talent. Auxiliary talent offer ability to operate in both
the outer & inner world and to manage those worlds from both a perceiving
and a decision-making perspective. Auxiliary talents tend to be one that
operates in the world opposite from the world of the dominant talent
Figure 4
of MBTI indicators/eight creative talents and dominant, auxiliary talents
Chapter Summery
The world is full of knowledge and human needs that
knowledge to survive in the world. When it compares to Sri Lanka, it has good
credit than the whole world because of giving knowledge to its civilians
without based on the income level as free education. As the result of free
education, Sri Lankans are having good literacy rate as 93.2%. The government
of Sri Lanka is one of government which is facilitating free education within
the higher education level also. They are maintaining 15 government
universities around the country. As per the literature, there are many enduring
factors which influence undergraduate student performance at university
This research is to identify the impact of creative
talents on the academic performance of the undergraduates. The methodology is
designed for the creation of the framework for the research study. This section
explains how researchers conduct the study. Include the proposed research
design, the population of concern, the sampling procedure, the measuring
instruments, and any other information relevant to the conduct of the study
Research Design
Researchers have followed a quantitative method to do
the study. This method is normally used for the measurement and analysis of
numerical data sets. As per Hakim (1987), research
design is that the technique or plan of shaping research. It helps to the
researcher to perform a proper research to get the proper result. Proper
research design saves money, time & effort of the researchers.
Researchers are followed the quantitative research
methodology to perform the research & to justify the conclusion of the
study. It is used to calculate numerical measurement and analyze the results of
Undergraduates. Due to the major & mostly using data collection method,
researchers are used a standard questionnaire to collect magnitude of results
of the respondents. The questionnaire included biomatrix data of the respondent
such as Age, living district, Faculty, Batch & GPA value. And tested the
eight creative talents from the sixteen scenarios included different type of
human behaviors which directly target those creative talents. Data collection
was done through the online system by using google form system. Respondents
which were submitted the questionnaire had to be knowledgeable about the online
systems to response the researchers' data forms.
SPSS data analysis tool has been used to analyze
dataset as it is a worldwide approved software and tested the missing values,
outliers, normality, linearity, as exploratory data analysis. And tested the
demographic analysis of age, gender, living district, faculty, and batch.
Descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis using as Objective
Based data analysis to evaluating the relationship
between dependent & independent variables.
The conceptual framework of the study is the visual
expression of the research problem.
Independent Variables Dependent Variables
Adventure |
Navigator |
H2 |
Explorer |
H3 |
Visionary |
H4 |
Pilot |
H5 |
Inventor |
H6 |
Harmonizer |
H7 |
Poet |
H8 |
Hypothesis Development
H1- Adventurer creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H2 - Navigator creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H3 - Explorer creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H4 - Visionary creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H5 - Pilot creative talent has a significant
effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H6 - Inventor creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H7- Harmonizer creative talent has a
significant effect on the level of academic performance of Undergraduates.
H8 - Poet creative talent has a significant
effect on the level of performance of academic performance of Undergraduates.
Defining Variables
Independent Variables
As per the Levesque, everyone is creative. Everyone
is not alike in his or her creativity because there is no one best way to be
creative. Creativity is not limited to aesthetic skills such as arts, music.
Creativity is doing something innovatively, doing something by thinking outside
of the box. Everyone has a different type of reaction to facing the situations
in their real life. Any of those reactions have a link with their specific
creative talent which is hidden inside them. In general, creativity is the
ability to consistently produce different and valuable results
Researchers have referred & studied the eight
creative talents which were described in Breakthrough Creativity Profile of
Levesque's and have structured the research according to that study to identify
the level of academic performance of the undergraduates in the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura. Based on Breakthrough Creativity profile.
As per the first
skill which is going to discuss, adventurers are positive about the life. They
are at a creativity level of quick reaction. They assume & identify the
situation quickly. If there is a doubt comes to an Adventure person, he/she
will come up with more than twenty solutions at least. They can predict the
situation as soon as possible if they don't have full details of it. More
likely to the leaders of society. They like to experiment with new ways.
Ex: Singers,
Navigators are who planning people. They use charts,
plans, logs to keep moving. These people are very talented to apply their
knowledge and experience to the real situation. They focus on data collection
and like to take many details into their account. They are like to getting
things done on time and they take their responsibilities seriously. They need
to make sure that all the things functioning properly and stay on track.
Ex: Scientists, Inventors
Explorer tends to think differently than another
person. They enjoy collecting information & exploring possible approaches
to a situation. These people are independent people who tend to be flexible
& divergent. And positive, passionate & follow their visionary
Ex: Richard Branson (CEO and founder of the British
Virgin Group), Walter Disney Ruth Mosko Handler (Co-founder of Mattel, Inc)
Visionaries are independent system thinkers who are
curious, flexible and divergent. They have an ability to predict the future and
can give superb solution for a problem. Visionaries personally see the
possibilities and capture complex patterns and connections.
Ex: Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation),
Mary Baker Eddy (Founder of the Christian Science Monitor)
Pilots are more active & action-oriented people.
They love to plan and organize projects & people. As a pilot, they make
sure that what needs to happen will happen. They tend to use structured
problem-solving methods and cost-benefit analysis to come over their solutions.
Ex: Alfred P. Sloan (President of General Motors in
1920), Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of Great Britain in the 1970s and
Inventors are logical and rational. They are as same
as a pilot when thinking and their creative talent comes from their keen,
questioning and penetrating mind. They have internal ideas which are recorded
in their mind as a blueprint or a map of the mind. They used to update those
internal frameworks with new knowledge. And they see the challenges in a
different manner.
Ex: Writers such as Ayn Rand, Scientists such as
Albert Einstein
Harmonizers are action & result, oriented
persons. They have strong social & organizational skills as well. They
provide caring leadership through change. Harmonizers value about
relationships. Start new relationships and enjoy to getting know people and
their superb talents. They build networks among people who have a variety of
talents as important assets.
Ex: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luthor King
Poets are more sensitive than others and concern for
the people around them. They have a strong and stable sense of who they are and
what they stand for. And they see life in a unique way. Poets value
independence and they love to work alone. And, they are usually good team
Ex: Playwriters like William Shakespeare, Poets like
T. S. Elliot
Dependent Variable (Academic Performance of
Academic performance of undergraduate is knowing as
the results of university examinations. As an undergraduate, they should face
for more than thirty subjects within their three or four-year degree program.
They should fulfill the requirements of examination division to achieve the
degree within seven years of the period. Generally, the weight of a subject and
a result is called as ‘Credit’ and 120 credits should be completed to finish
the course. An undergraduate has around 16 credits for a single academic period
called as a ‘Semester’ to complete. And the average result of undergraduates is
calculated by using a mathematical function called ‘Grade Point Average (GPA)’.
In this study, researchers have taken the GPA value of each respondent as the
measurement of their academic performance
Researchers have used quantitative data collection
method to collect the data. The quantitative methods use statistical or
mathematical methods to classify firms between groups
Measurement of Independent Variables
Independent variables of this study have selected
based on the study of the (Levesque)'s Breakthrough Creativity Profile.
Researchers have used a validated questionnaire to collect data for
above-described variables. Those will evaluate the creativity level of each
talent category by using the tool based on the questionnaire.
Questionnaire for the data collection
Researchers have used validated questionnaire about
Breakthrough Creativity for the data collection which has created, tested and
validated by Lynne C. Levesque. The questionnaire has attached in the appendix
for the reference.
The questionnaire has used separate sections to
collect data about the respondent as the first section used to collect
demographic information of the respondent. The second section of the
questionnaire has been used to collect the behaviors of the respondents in a
specific situation.
In the first section, researchers have asked about
the Age, Living district, Faculty of the respondent, Batch & Grade Point
Average as demographic data of the respondent. And in the second section of the
research questionnaire, researchers have asked sixteen questions from the respondents
with four points for each one. Allow to range the answers according to their
preferences for each statement from 01 to 04 as 01 is the best answer and 04 is
the worst. Researchers have used 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' to refer the points of
questions. Ranging numbers have been defined as follows to avoid the
confusedness of the respondents.
01 - Always or almost like me
02 - Often like me
03 - Sometimes like me
04 - Rarely or not at like me
When researchers
went to operationalize the results, all the responses have been converted to
the Likert Scale method as follows,
01 - Rarely or not at like me
02 - Sometimes like me
03 - Often like me
05 - Always or almost like me
The 4 is not recommended for uses when ranging.
Evaluate the creative talent level for everyone
under each creative talent category
Lynne. C. Levesque had developed a tool to analyze
the data which collected via the validated questionnaire. Researchers have used
that analysis tool which has referred to the Breakthrough Creativity Profile.
Adventure |
Navigator |
Explorer |
Visionary |
Pilot |
Inventor |
Harmonizer |
Poet |
1c |
1a |
1b |
1b |
3c |
3a |
3b |
3d |
2b |
2d |
2c |
2c |
4b |
4d |
4c |
4a |
5a |
5b |
5d |
5d |
7a |
7b |
7d |
7c |
6d |
6c |
6a |
6a |
8d |
8c |
8a |
8b |
9d |
9c |
9b |
9b |
11d |
11c |
11b |
11a |
10a |
10b |
10c |
10c |
12a |
12b |
12c |
12d |
13b |
13d |
13a |
13a |
15b |
15d |
15a |
15c |
14c |
14a |
14d |
14d |
16c |
16a |
16d |
16b |
Summary of Independent Variables
Concept |
Variables |
Indicators |
Measurement |
Breakthrough profile creativity profile (Creativity talents) |
Adventurer Navigator Explorer Visionary Pilot |
16 Questions (Validity Questionnaire- Breakthrough creativity profile) |
Impact of the level of academic performance of undergraduates by using four-point Likert Scale consists of numbers 1,2,3, & 5 removing the number
four helped |
Harmonizer Poet |
highlight the highest scoring talent. |
Table 4 Summary of Independent variables
Measurement of dependent variable
The dependent variable of this study is Grade Point
Average of the undergraduates. The standard GPA is calculated by summing over
all attempts at all courses, excluding courses with a grade of Non-Graded Pass
where G - Grade of the result in each course where
P - Credit points for each course
Point table of Grades
Grades |
Points |
A+ |
4.00 |
A |
4.00 |
A- |
3.70 |
B+ |
3.30 |
B |
3.00 |
B- |
2.70 |
C+ |
2.30 |
C |
2.00 |
C- |
1.70 |
D+ |
1.30 |
D |
1.00 |
E |
0.00 |
Table 5 Point Table of Grades
Descriptive Statistical Techniques
Descriptive statistical technique summarizes
variables both statistically and graphically. Information about the location
(center), spread (variability), and distribution is provided. The procedure
provides a large variety of statistical information about a single variable
(NCSS Software Solutions, 2017). The use of this module for a single variable
is generally appropriate for one of four purposes: numerical summary, data
screening, outlier identification (which sometimes is incorporated into data
screening), and distributional shape. Researchers have used descriptive
statistics to describe the characteristics of this study.
Correlation Analysis
The correlation coefficient is a measure of the
strength of the relationship between or among variables. Values of the
correlation coefficient are always between -1 and +1. A correlation coefficient
of +1 indicates that two variables are perfectly related in a positive linear
sense, a correlation coefficient of -1 indicates that two variables are
perfectly related in a negative linear sense, and a correlation coefficient of
0 indicates that there is no linear relationship between the two variables.
Researchers have used regression and correlation analysis to find the
hypothesis and measure the linear regression.
Regression Analysis
Linear models play a major role in modern statistical
methods. Moreover, these models can approximate a large amount of metric data
structures in their entire range of definition or at least piecewise.
Regression is a statistical technique to determine the linear relationship
between two or more variables. Regression is primarily used for prediction and
causal inference
Validity Reliability
Reliability and Validity are important concepts in
both measurement and the full experiment to ensure the link between statistics
and conclusions is sound. The validity of this model is already tested by
Levesque when creating Breakthrough Creativity Profile and its validity depends
on the method which is going to use by anyone. If this model is to be used in
the context of the training experience instruments can be considered as valid.
If this is going to be used as a predictive tool for selection purpose, then it
would not be valid. Researchers have used this instrument as a testing of the
academic performance of the undergraduates as per the validity rules which were
set by Levesque.
Sampling Design
Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of
units from the population. We use sampling formulas to determine how many to
select because it is based on the characteristics of this sample that we make
inferences about the population. There are two sampling techniques available as
probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In probability sampling, a
probabilistic algorithm is used to select the sample
The population of the study has been selected as
total undergraduates of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The sample has been
limited to 150 respondents as the minimum sample size defined by
Data Collection
Data collection is the process of collecting
information form the respondents from the systemic method. In order to conduct
the study, researchers have used primary data to measure the creative talents
of the undergraduates of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Data was
collected through online questionnaire from the selected sample. An online
questionnaire has been distributed through e-mails to the undergraduates and
collected the data to the online document. Firstly, researchers have selected
representatives from each batch and each faculty. And explained the
questionnaire & the user guides to those representatives to collect more
accurate data. 07 days have been allowed to collect the data.
Google form has been created by using validation
rules to avoid the missing values when filling the questionnaire. The sample
has been limited to 150 respondents as the minimum sample size defined by
Chapter Summery
This chapter includes the research design and
methodology of the study with the conceptual framework of the research.
Variable definitions, sample design, population distribution, measurements of
the variables and data analysis technique of the study. Researchers have used
SPSS software as the analyzing tool to analyze the data set of the study
04.1 Introduction
Impact of the creative talents on academic
performance is being measured by this study and this has been conducted to fill
the literature gap in the prevailing literature. This chapter is presenting the
analysis of the data collected and it conveys the relationships between
independent variables (Eight creative talents) and the dependent variable
(Academic performance of the undergraduates of the University of Sri
Researchers have collected the data by using online
questionnaire from Google forms and analyzed the data set with the support of
SPSS version 21.0. It is going to interpret the results by presenting
exploratory data analysis of variables for the assumptions of statistical
methods that used to achieve the objectives of the research.
04.2 Exploratory
Data Analysis (EDA)
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), which uses
visualization tools and computes synthetic descriptors, is still required at
the beginning of the statistical analysis of multidimensional data and it is a
philosophy for data analysis that engagements of variety of techniques to
maximize insight into a data set, extract important variables, uncover
underlying structure, test underlying assumptions, detect outliers and
anomalies, develop parsimonious models and determine optimal factor settings.
04.3 Testing
for Missing Values
Missing value test is to identify the incomplete data
in the data set of the study. If there are missing value in the data set, it
can be misled the results. Also, missing data can be reduced the precision of
calculated figures because there is fewer information than initially planned.
Additional to that, the assumptions behind several statistical processes are
based on whole cases, and missing values can confuse the theory required (IBM
Corporation, 2012).
In this study
researcher has testing Normality, Linearity, Demographic profile analysis, Descriptive
analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to check the hypothesis
05.1 Introduction
In this chapter, researchers discuss the summary of
the research and key findings of the research. This chapter will also explain
the general conclusions and prospective implications of the findings of the
study. And this will suggest recommendations for future researchers based on the
key findings of this study.
05.2 Summary of Research Study
This study was based on the creative talents and
academic performance of the undergraduates of the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura. Researchers have used Breakthrough creativity profile to measure
the respondents' independent variables and the GPA value was used to measure
the level of academic performance of the respondents. The study performed to
identify creativity level of undergraduates, to analyze the level of academic
performance of each creative talent of undergraduates, to identify the
relationship of each creativity talent and the level of academic performance of
undergraduates, to identify the influence of each creative talent on academic
performance of undergraduates, to determine the most significant creative
talent on academic performance of undergraduates.
Researchers have selected the sample of 150
undergraduates that represent four faculties which are Science Faculty, Social
Science Faculty, Humanities Faculty and Commerce and Management Faculty.
Offered a questionnaire which is already validated by Levesque to the selected
sample. After researchers have evaluated the collected data in accordance with
Breakthrough Creativity Profile. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Demographic profile
analysis, Descriptive Analysis, Correlation, Regression Analysis was done by
using SPSS statistical data analysis software. Based on the analysis results,
the objectives were achieved, and hypostasis was tested.
05.3 Recommendations
Levesque illustrated the eight types of creative
talents which are related to the people's behaviors in different situations.
Those talents have been divided into two different categories as 'dominant' and
'auxiliary'. People are relying on the dominant talent of their own and
auxiliary talent is used as a supportive talent. Researcher recommend improving
their skill according to the knowledge they have. As per the Carl G. Jung, any
person will have all creative talents up to some extent. However, there should
be one or more dominant talent(s) with auxiliary talents. Therefore,
researchers recommend measuring the creative talent of the undergraduates and
motivate them according to their weaknesses to come up with the better results
in future.
05.4 Recommendations for Future Researchers
Education is the greatest gift we can achieve from
the school, university and any kind of institute. It is not limited to the age,
but we are learning from born to death. People are talented than they think,
and they aren't aware of it. But in the sudden situation, they act as their
dominant talent and get support from the auxiliary talent. Therefore, there is
a great advantage to identify the creative talents of people in any field. It
is suggested to conduct research to identifying the effect of performance and
the effectiveness of the people in any field.
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