1. Introduction
This study is based on the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM). The expectation of the study is to identify an information technology system,
which was not accepted by people, and to identify the reasons for such
non-acceptance by using TAM.
The information technology system selected as rejected by
people, particularly by Medical Practitioners, is the ‘Electronic Medical/Health
Records System’ and this study elaborates the reasons as to why the Electronic
Medical/Health Records System was rejected by Doctors, by means of TAM.
2. Theoretical Review
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a
theoretical framework that explains and predicts the user acceptance of
information technology. It
suggests that when users encounter a new information system innovation there
are two main factors which will influence how and when they will use it.
One is
Perceived Usefulness (PU), i.e., the degree to which a person believes that
using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance. The other
is Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), i.e., the degree to which a person believes
that using a particular system would be free from effort.
3. Electronic Medical/Health
Records System
Electronic Medical/health
Records is a computerized medical information system, which collect, store and
display patients’ information or an electronic record of health related
information of individuals.
Traditionally health records of
patients are paper based that involved with large amount of papers. Many
shortcomings are there with this paper based medical records, such as,
requirement of unnecessary space for document keeping, the possibility of missing
important records, inability to maintain uniform record system,
misinterpretations, repetition of same tests, wastage of resources and time
On the other hand Electronic
Medical/health Records system facilitates patients’ health and safety, quality
of care instant availability of information, prompt identification of the
illness, convenience treatment, save of money and resources, quick services, reduction
of errors, improvement of communication of information to Doctors etc. which
benefits both the patients as well as medical practitioners.
Though there are many
advantages of the Electronic Medical/health Records system, medical
practitioners are not willing to accept the implementation of the same.
4. Reasons for non-acceptance
of Electronic Medical/Health Records System
In this scenario, based on the TAM
model, the reasons for non-acceptance of emerging technology, that is, Electronic Medical/Health Records System, are assessed mainly based on two assumptions;
Perceived usefulness (PU)
Perceived ease of use (PEOU)
4.1 Reasons for non-acceptance
of Electronic Medical/Health Records System due to lack of Perceived usefulness:
§ More time consuming –
Medical Practitioners are supposed to spend more time when
using an Electronic Medical/Health Records System, which they don’t prefer as
it may reduce the number of patients they could treat per day. Further, more
time consumption is required for data entering to the system, and getting
familiarize with the system or learning.
§ Potential
for mix-ups and confusion that can be frustrating, costly and even dangerous –
Though the use of Electronic Medical/Health Records System
is said to be an advantage, some mistakes, errors, mix-ups of data etc, which
are not only costly and frustrating but even dangerous are possible. Thus, the Doctors as well as the patients are
with some suspicion to resort to electronic records system.
§ Compatible
only with half of work but not compatible for all the work of Doctors –
§ Possibility
of fraudulent billing –
Parties can intentionally engage in malpractices such as
generation of fraudulent bills. Such aspects hinder the trust among the Doctors
and patients about electronic system.
§ Similar to
other computerized systems, electronic records are also vulnerable to crashes, errors or defects –
Crash, error
or defect occurred in the electronic system can trouble the smooth happening of
patient care, may be even for considerable period, which can ultimately create
negative or dangerous results. Unlike other computerized systems, since the
patient care is a sensitive issue much concern should be to avoid such
possibilities. Disruptive acts of external parties may cause enormous troubles
and damages.
§ Requirement
for large amount of investment –
A Doctor
having a small or medium scale patient care center may find difficultly of
affording the high investment required to establish Electronic Records
§ Possibility
of negatively affecting the relationship between the Doctors and Patients
The belief
among the Medical Practitioners seems to be that with the introduction of an
Electronic System the communication or the relationship among the Doctors and
patients will be weakened or damaged.
§ Security or privacy concerns –
By nature humans are more concern about their security and
privacy. And when moving to an electronic system one of the major worries are
security and privacy.
4.2 Reasons for non-acceptance
of Electronic Medical/Health Records System due to lack of Perceived ease of use:
§ Necessity to be familiar with computers / lack of technical
competency of the staff –
Medical Practitioners or Physicians are relatively less
familiar with computers. Thus, they resist to the Electronic Medical/Health
Records System, which requires sound computer literacy to operate
smoothly. Not only Doctors, but Nurses
as well as patients will have to struggle with unfamiliar screens.
§ System complexity –
Electronic Records System is a complex one, where all
parties are in need to spent considerable time to be familiarize with and
understand such system, prior to starting its successful operation.
§ Requirement to totally rely on the vendor –
An Electronic Medical Records System will be designed and
developed by an external third party vendor, on whom it is necessary to rely on
for each and every aspect. In a certain way, some sort of a risk. Any
amendments or developments identified in the electronic system can only be
incorporated through the vendor.
§ Lack of managerial support -
Managerial support is an essential factor to make success an
effort. Thus, the support from the management of the Medical Institutions is a
must to successfully implement Electronic Medical/health
Records system. Proper leadership is another compulsory factor in need.
§ Lack of belief in an Electronic
Medical/health Records system –
Lack of trust or belief in the society on an Electronic
Medical/health Records system is also a major hindrance to realization of such
Despite the considerable number of advantages of implanting
an Electronic Medical/health Records System, it has not been a
success mainly due to external variables, divided into two as lack of perceived
usefulness and lack of perceived ease of use, for which reasons are elaborated
As a result the attitude toward using Electronic Medical/health
Records System was not favorable. Thus, the particular Electronic
Medical/health Records System has not been purchased by many, which shows poor
behavioral intention to use.
Ultimately the actual usage of the Electronic Medical/health
Records System was very much less.
By way of avoiding or overcoming the identified reasons for lack of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, the actual system use of Electronic
Medical/health Records System can be improved.
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